Sunday, October 25, 2009

Liberal Factoid # 17

Folks, Liberals are not paying attention. They voted for the Democrats and Obama and the whole shooting match is off the radar now. They're out having sex, doing drugs, and listening to rock and roll.

I'm serious. The vast majority of them have not even heard of cap and trade. I talk to them all the time. If they happen to be in front of a TV and some 'news' is on maybe they'll watch 5 minutes of it, but it's not their thing, not something they are interested in.

In the last election they put their 2-3-4 weeks of effort into picking the right candidate by listening to a debate or two and the candidates commercials and as a result they voted for Obama. The next election, they will spend 2-3-4 weeks listening to some debates, commercials, and that is More than enough due diligence for them. Overkill for sure.

Unless they're being squeezed like walnuts in the jaws of a squirrel, Obama will have done a good job and needs 4 more years to tackle these big issues like getting cars to run on air and spit Valium out the exhaust.

The ones who are paying attention and staying engaged are simply ignorant. They think government should make life fair for everyone. As in government health care. When you ask them who is going to pay for it they say the government. When you ask them where the government gets its money, they aren't really sure. They know taxes fit in there somehow, but they have these ill-defined images of printing money, or borrowing money that will never have to be paid back, and who knows what else pops out from short circuited synapses...

They either have no idea, or they don't care. And they sure as hell don't see anything wrong with socialism or Marxism. Progressive can be directly translated to communism today. Maybe it always could.


  1. You are so Right Kid! Liberals don't have a clue. A squirrel is smarter and has more sense. They all should be squeezed like walnuts cause they ARE ALL NUTS! Look what crap they stuck us with.

  2. Thanks Bunni, and your wit and intelligence is like a laser.

    Just remember in order to get through it, you have to go through it. And nothing is very bad, or very good for very long.

    All things must pass. Oggghhhhhhmmmmmmm.

  3. hey i'm offended! i listen to rock and i know about cap n trade. lol. seriously....a lot of people vote for the name that sounds the most familiar...which is usually bad.

  4. Labcat. Me Too ! :)

    Kids are really screwed up in the head. I know 30 something people who are constantly teasing their brains with conspiracy theory, you name it.
    Then there's a 20 something girl at work who is representative of today's "open minded" 20 something. I talked to her off and on during the elections - She couldn't understand a thing McCain said, which I'll cut her some slack on.. but understood everything obama was saying.
    I couldn't understand anything obama was saying because none of it matched up with things that could happen in the real universe following the laws of physics.

    The kids just aren't trained in any respect for critical thought. Generally speaking of course.

  5. Kid, you nailed it. The Left is happy with the frustration felt by Conservatives. Their white guilt is assuaged. Anything else is just gravy.

  6. Having been that rock and rolling, drug using, ignorant until two weeks before it mattered liberal at one point in my life, I must say you nailed it. Spot on.

  7. Thanks Nickie. Like blood thirsty zombies they are...

  8. Soloman. Thank you. Well, I've always been a student of the human condition.

  9. Spot on, Kid.

    Popular ignorance is one of their most powerful weapons (although both sides try to exploit this) - the Left knows that the majority of the electorate is simply uninformed and they will abuse that knowledge by forcing through as much legislation as they can.

    And, as you say, if the Obots do know, then they don't care or - more likely still - support it with blind faith.

  10. Track, Ignorance is the scariest thing out there.

