Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Pledge

You know which one I'm talking about.

The only problem I have with it, is that it mentions Barak Obama by name. If you substituted 'America' for Obama, I wouldn't have any problem with it.

I have to add, thinking back to all the times America has had, many of them hundreds of times more stressful than the current time, no one has ever even suggested pledging anything to the current President. Only America.

There is good reason for it. The job and office of President is Temporary. The pledge and the subject of same should not be temporary. Does Obama think he's permanent ? If the answer is no, then he's a serious dumbass who doesn't understand this simple concept.

But that wouldn't be much of a shock.


  1. I used to assume he was a dumb and naive leader.

    But stupidity would mean he would get things right some of the time, by simple trial and error. I don't see that happening. I suspect something more sinister is afoot.

  2. I pledge allegiance to the US Constitution. Now, can we see the birth certificate, please?

  3. "Does Obama think he's permanent"...probably not. Does he WANT to be? Most definitely.

  4. Opus, I do think he's not very intelligent, nor does he know much of anything about American history, and has several other problems.

    Whoever is pulling his strings certainly has a sinister agenda.


  5. Arby, Thanks for stoppin by Mr Grant.
    Couldn't agree more. Down is up.

  6. Dr Dave. No doubt !

    Let's hope his show doesn't run as long as The Jeffersons

    (10 1/2 years)

  7. I pledge allegiance to the Constitution and no specific person. This shows his overwhelming arrogance. And, I don't want anything to do with his kind of change either. I don't thonk that I could take 10 1/2 years of Obama-UGH.

  8. I'm with you there Teresa !

    We need those folks movin on back ... to the west side..

  9. That last one was me. I was signed into gmail at the time.

  10. Obama is the country. Obama is the Constitution. Just ask him.
