Saturday, March 24, 2018

Very Dali-esque, Creatures, Diamonds, Galaxies, and Only God Knows What

Inhabits this tiny 200 light year (1,160 trillion miles) pin prick of space.

Click the pic to get to the APOD site, then click again to zoom in on fantastic details - if you dare.

A huge democrat inspired maw to the left, closing on the tortured and panicked Trump voters on the right.  Will they escape?  Who gets the diamonds? What does that stuff taste like anyway ?  


  1. The reason space is so beautiful is because there’s no politics there ... yet.

    1. We must keep it that way Mustang, but damn, Trump is already talking about weaponizing space...

  2. "What does it TASTE like?" that's an interesting concept!
    This looks like Christmas night...the Bethlehem star! :-) Honestly, this is gorgeous! Diamonds, yes!
    HEY! That's LUCY IN THE SKY!

  3. Science-Fiction Cradlesong

    By and by Man will try
    To get out into the sky,
    Sailing far beyond the air
    From Down and Here to Up and There.

    Stars and sky, sky and stars
    Make us feel the prison bars.

    Suppose it done.
    Now we ride
    Closed in steel, up there, outside
    Through our port-holes see the vast
    Heaven-scape go rushing past.

    Shall we? All that meets the eye
    Is sky and stars, stars and sky.

    Points of light with black between
    Hang like a painted scene
    Motionless, no nearer there
    Than on Earth, everywhere
    Equidistant from our ship.

    Heaven has given us the slip.

    Hush, be still.
    Outer space
    Is a concept, not a place.

    Try no more.
    Where we are
    Never can be sky or star.

    From prison, in a prison, we fly;
    There's no way into the sky.

    ~ C S Lewis (1898-1963)


    Every form of Life deserves respect –– with the possible exception of those human beings who make a career out of NOT respecting it.

    Today is PALM SUNDAY, and no one –– including me –– has seen fit to blog on it, although the story posted at my blog –– Stephen Vincent Benet's By the Waters of Babylon –– could with a little imagination easily be construed as an appropriate commentary on Passion Week.

    The insolent rejection of Jesus Christ followed by His suffering, death and Resurrection always takes on new meaning as we continue to spurn His Example by disrespecting, badgering, beating, tormenting, torturing and murdering each other in wholesale lots.

    Abandoning our faith just because the Secular World no longer regards it as either fashionable or appropriate for public contemplation is the WORST thing we could do to orselves.

    The joyous triumph of Easter has no meaning without the Passion. Passion Week should remind us all of how badly we treat one another through misunderstanding, too much eagenerss to find fault, and the unholy joy we take in finding reasons to despise, mock, reject and condemn one another just as the Pharisees did our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    A week of penitience, prayer and sober reflection on our sins and shortcomings is certainly approriate NOW more than EVER.

    1. True. Carl Sagan's words come to mind as he reflected on the 'blue dot' suspended in a sunbeam, which was a picture taken by Voyager looking back at the Earth as it headed out into the solar system "Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those kings and generals just so they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot."

  5. I'm still seeing the bullet holes in the trunk tailgate of a Ford F-150 ever since you put that visual in my fertile skull.

    1. DaBlade, All this stuff came out of the glove box of that F-150.
