Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Kinder Gentler Horsehead

The Horsehead Nebula in Hot Pink Pastel.

I wonder if they'll ever make this into an amusement ride.

Clicking the image again at the APOD site will get you a high resolution image that is much more stunning than Joe Biden's pedophilic stupidity or Maxine Waters level 12 IQ.


  1. Frankly, I believe that today’s Left is a product of the Communist Goals. And sadly, the Communists have almost achieved all their goals when our previous President was in office.
    They remind me of the Zombies in the movies they can't be reasoned with, or negotiated with.. It's human nature for us to want to make sense of some, circumstances, and things that seemingly make no logical sense, but I gave up a long time ago trying to knock some sense into them. why, And now all I want to do is just boot them out of my life

  2. No question they are. Every dem president since LBJ has knocked fire from America. And it is much easier to screw things up than fix them. For example, if you lose 50% in the market, you need 100% gain just to get even. Zombies is a good analogy.

    But yea, I know people who still think obama did a fantastic job. When I ask them where 18 trillion went their eyes go blank or they call me racist.

    1. We know where 1.7 billion went.

    2. Yes Ed, and 500 mil too. Honestly - 18 Trillion. A billion seconds is 32.7 years, a Trillion is 32,678 years.

    3. If only they were the tears of libtards.

  3. I'd like to have an interest only loan for one-trillion dollars, Alex. I promise to pay it off in 30 years. With that out of the way, I have to say you confused me with talk about horse head nebula and Joe Biden. I thought he was a horse's ass. Meanwhile, what is this fixation you have with Mad Max?

    1. Imagine living off the interest on a trillion $ loan. I think dreams of this is what finally brought rocket man to the table. He'll get rid of his defective nukes in exchange for a guarantee no one will screw with his countrywide harem, and the ability to someday loan the USA a trillion and live off the interest. Probably do it with Bitcoin that his hackers have stolen from the DNC so it's not like he had to invest real money. SO, you see the moron biden and his low IQ donkey maxine figure quite well into this story. The devil is always in the details.
      Plus it was I that sent an email to mad max telling her that impeaching a president for a sexual encounter he may or may not have had 10 years before entering the White House is one of the most successful ways of gettin it done.
      She squealed with delight.

  4. I'd like to know more about the image that looks;like a large, opalescent, pearly-pink Discus Fish swimming in the bottom left quadrant.

    How does that fit in to the horsehead theme?

    1. Maybe you aren't high enough yet? Just saying ...

    2. FT, It looks like a bulldog to me, but this difference in perception is why the world is just one beautiful, crazy, topsey turvey, wonderful, perfect existence. And no we didn't evolve from trilobites.

  5. The bottom left quadrant looks like the face of a Sharpei to me.

    1. Maybe you had "enough" about an hour ago? :-)

    2. Cube, leaving out all the erotic possibilities, it looks bulldog to me. So, you are darn close and I feel happy to share your perception in this case.

    3. Kid, you are such a suck up. :-)

    4. Mustang, maybe if you promoted me to a level above Pfc, I could find some self-confidence. (sniff), I mean HooRah !

    5. From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. Now, go and read the Marine Corps Manual until taps.

    6. Hah ! You are obviously unaware I am an Overly Decorated General in the North Korean DPRK Forces ! You Americans are so easily taken in! We will confiscate all your cheese and attractive women in no time at all !
