Friday, March 9, 2018

From North of the 38th Parallel in a Little Town Named PingPong

Kim Jong:  General Wang come qrick !

Wang: I'm here boss !

Kim: You not looking well General Wang.

Wang: I hungry Boss, only eat spoonful of kimchi this week, not thinking my best either Dear Leader..  How can I serve you today?

Kim:  Call Domino's, order pizzas. 

Wang: I tried Great Leader, they say since we didn't pay last time, they no serve.

Kim: I can't berieve great friend Xi Jingleplink not sending me food and supplies any more.  I don't know how Trump got to him.  And why Trump not like last 4 weasels in White Castle?

Wang: Probably gave lots money Greatest Reader.  I'm afraid I not know what makes Trump tick tock.

Kim: I'm not thinks so Wang.  I'm thinks he promise not to mess up South China Sea with new islands packed with Chinese Comfort Women.  I'm think Trump has own harem in US of A and he get excited when I threaten to blow them up.  He don't like sending extortion money either, he want to keep all for self.
By the way, how is my favorite girl Kum Too Sun ?

Wang: Yes, you are genius Greatest Leader.  We keeping Kum fed well for you Great Reader.  She say be too long since Too Sun see you.

Kim: I'm knows it.  Put her in my closets tonight and tell her to suplise me.

Wang: Speaking of Comfort Women..  Comfort Women Forces girls starving and getting very thin.  Not attractive as usual. I know you like them Trump, er PLUMP, So Solly Dearest Leader !  I will go without desert tonight to make up for my diminished capacity !

Kim:  Yes I do like Trump, I Mean PLUMP !  Damn that great tweeter!   I hungry too.  Don't worry about desert Wang, I eat all last night anyway.   Too cold to forage for food right now.  Soon I will have to resort to my stash of Dinty Moore Stews and Chef Bloyardees !!

Call my new friend President Moon and setup meeting with Plump, I means TRUMP !  We must get sanctions removed.  I will just wait for next democlat president and can restart weapons programs and extortion routines then.

After Moon call, bring my favorite cheese and sushi roll.
And keep the wine and Soju coming too.  I very deplessed...
Wang: I'm on it like vomit Boss, I mean Dearest Greatest Leader !


  1. Ummm??? Friday night insanity or just bored?

    1. Adrienne, I channel the Great Reader from time to time as significant events present humorous context.
      But heck - Saturday to Friday insanity if anything.

  2. Un's grandfather never realized that he was being "played" by the Chinese and Russians. Un's father, Il, never had a clue but he loved the advantage of being the only rich guy in the country. I imagine he kind of liked the idea of being smarter than George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George II, and Barry Soetoro. Finally, I think Il enjoyed staring in Team America. Un, on the other hand, only has one thing going for him: his close relationship with Dennis Rodman. I do have to laugh every time I think of one of Kim Jung-Un's advisors going through the mental gymnastics in deciding whether to offer an opinion, or keep his mouth shut.

    1. Right On Mustang. I don't see the generals talking much, only taking notes. I suspect when they are talking it is 100% ass kissing.

  3. Trump vewy smawt man. He plan to offer stwipper-ho wady Stawmy Danyewz as pwesent to Kim in exchange faw NOKO noocleawr disawmament.

    Dis suplize jeschew confound enemedia as it wevolutionizes Amewiccan dipwomacy.

    Twump will twiumph wit dis dubboo whammy and also nock sox off deadhead estawishmentm an awl dem shittee gwobawist bastions.

    Wong wiv Pwezzident Twump! Hee da MAN!

    1. FT, Just like everyone beside Ronald Reagan were shaking in their boots about calling the bluff of the completely bankrupt USSR, everyone has been shaking in their boots about calling NK out. I guess I'd have to agree that China was the key here. China doesn't want an idiot with nuklar ICBM's so near them either. I heard the mountain the Norks have been using for underground testing is about to come down and release a lot of fallout into China.

      Even if Not, would China pony up to a nuclear war with the USA in defense of these idiots? That was the first crack in the pottery. Xi said if NK fires off a nuke, or makes the first strike otherwise, then they approve of whatever the US wanted to do.

      I think some of the last 4 paid off NK because they didn't want to take on China, though birr crinton doesn't give a shit about anything as long as he could stay living in that big cash register at 1600 Pennsylvania.

      Well, Great Tweeter better hurry up shipping Stawney over there. She is looking worse for wear imo.

    2. You think maybe offering Melania instead might sweeten the deal?

      She's holding up damned well if you ask me, even if she is forty-eight years old..

      If that doesn't do it, maybe Tiffany?

      Anything for God, Country and Dear Old Dad, right?


    3. FT, no, we have him back on his heels. No need to offer the good stuff.

  4. Trump is going to sushi roll little rocket man. 200 applauding North Korea comfort women cheerleaders can't be wrong. I always look forward to the channeling updates. Thank goodness we live in a country with ready access to pizza (and donuts).

    1. DaBlade, Trump has much bigger pizzas too.

  5. Trump is playing Little Rocket Man like a fiddle -- so far, anyway.

    1. AOW, Maybe cello or double bass in his case. :)
