Monday, September 25, 2017

The Democrat Party as an LBV Star

You must click the picture and read the description.  You simply must.


  1. C-CS, We may see a democrat supernova around 2026. Especially if all of them are in jail for sex crimes.

  2. I'm afraid your exploding, dying star is more representative of what the Formerly-Free World has been busily doing to itself for well over a hundred years. The Democrats are bad and worthy of excitaction to be be sure, BUT –––– SO ARE the REPUBLICANS.

    And look at Socialist Europe!

    Considering what has happened in the past sixty years particularly I can't help but wonder WHY WE even BOTHERED to FIGHT TWO WORLD WARS and then COMMUNISM?

    Our "victories" in those conflicts have proved hollow. When Truman fired MacArthur, who wanted to PRESS our advangtage and NIP COMMUNISM in the BUD, when that was still possble, we THREW AWAY our great ADVANTAGES and sold our Birthright for a mess of Marxist Propaganda.

    Everything anti-Communists have tried to do since NUREMBERG has been no more effective than trying to toss the rain back into the sky bodily during a hurricane.

    So YES, Our wistful Little Star may well be on its way OUT.

    I can almost hear The Governor of the Cosmos muttering, "AND GOOD RIDDANCE!"

    1. FT, Evil seems to be winning. I'm reminded of Paul Harvey's 1964 radio item - If I Were The Devil

  3. Congress expelling latest Trumpcare event?

  4. expelling the mass of Jupiter. Must have went to an interstellar Taco Bell. I just hope those aren't greenhouse gasses or it will kill the polar bears.

    1. DaBlade, The Wheels on the Cycle of Life go round and round, round and round and round and round. The Wheels on the ..... I better stop I don't want to attract a bunch of libs.

    2. Too late, ducky's already here ;)

  5. OK, I saw volatile, expelling gases, and surrounded by red shells for now and that's pretty descriptive. As to the supernova part, time will tell.

    1. Cube, Yours is the most complete and correct analysis. Please take a stuffed animal from the top shelf.

  6. May I have the stuffed cloud leopard, please.
