Tuesday, March 21, 2017

If You Haven't Seen This...

More than one "news" outlet reported this as serious news.

Asiana Flight 214 came into the runway a little too low, banged it's wing on the runway and managed to come to rest with only 3 dead.  The news presenters in the above got played big time.

Bang Ding Ow Baby

About as Played as these Airport Announcement Instigators !


  1. Oops...they forgot the navigator.............Wong Wei?

  2. Imp: GOOD ONE!! I heard while living in Paris, that some American pilots call Charles De Gaulle Airport "Kess Kul Dee Airport"...after "Ques-ce il di?" (what did he SAY?) :-)

    1. Z, Women have offered me sex after being confused at my spoken comment. Which had nothing to do with sex.

    2. Lucky you, Kid! I wish that had happened to me! ;-)

  3. Holy carp! Which is similar to Ho Lee Fuk.

    1. :-) Adrienne. We Are too Low and Ho Lee Fuk !! hahhaa

  4. I wouldn't fly Asian Air after that. I will always take the slow boat, Captain'd by Tai Ni Po Ni out of Shanghai.

    1. I know him well DaBlade. he can be trusted.

  5. The president o Asiana Airines, YU MEI DAI, said in respnse to the tragedy, "Mai Gai flai wei to lo. Meik chow mein o mai plein. Ai fai Ur Him Sun."

    1. I wouldn't fly any airlines out of SE Asia or the ME for sure FT.

    2. I wouldn't trust any of THEM to fly my CORPSE home to the family plot, IF i had a damily plot, which I don't. I'm donating whaever is left of me at The End to Medical Science. I'll probably end up being cut to ribands with parts placed in jars of formaldehyde. What they can't use, they'll incincerate.

      I mean why would I care once I'm dead what they do with my body? At that point it's just a husk. Whatever it is that makes me who I am will have departed for parts unknown –– hopefully Heaven if there is sucha place.

      Did you translate what I said above in fake Chinese?

      ... President ... "You May Die" said ..., "My guy fly plane way too low. Make chow mein of my plane. I fire him soon."


  6. Those 'journalist' dopes that ran with this hoax are dumber than steaming piles of dog shit. The mainstream media attracts these types, as does the teacher's unions and most government jobs.

    1. I assumed it was meant as SATIRE. You mean they took it SERIOUSLY?

      OMIGOD! YIKES! Once people in positions of adult respnsibility can no longerr tell when they are being kidded, Civilization is OVER!

      Having a highly developed sense of humor is a prerequiste for being civilized.

    2. FT, Oh no, at least the woman who's voice you can hear regarded it as factual.

      When it originally happened, I saw it on youtube where the woman was in the video reporting it from a news desk. No one is that much of a straight man. They read what you put in front of them.

    3. GAWD! The brain is never engaged when they read the news then? Why am I not surprised?

      I guess it's like the old-fashioned Stenograher's Mentality. They used to type reams and reams containing thousands and thousands of words, and never have any idea what any of it meant.

    4. FT, As Fredd tells us, these professions draw them in like magnets. New reporters, teachers, government 'workers'.

  7. Won Ton Dum. The media never fails to surprise us.

    1. Cube, I think that may have been her name actually. She has many siblings in Congress.

  8. More than one "news" outlet reported this as serious news.

    What is the salary level of these dumb asses? I'll betcha is way higher than mine.

    1. AOW, Sadly you are right. Mine too. This is mostly the result of Very rich people having very stupid family members and who obtain high paying jobs for these POS's. How it works. Most of the federal, state, and local employees I'm sure. How about That !?

    2. AOW, My lunch pals were teachers, quit 30+ years ago because the system sucked, went back to school, got a few masters degrees each, worked as Navy contractors and for the few high level drug people like Ely Lily, Abbott, etc, socked away a million + and retired at 50 or so. They and I all agree we screwed up - we should have gotten government jobs.

    3. Kid,
      we should have gotten government jobs.

      Yeah. The parasites do very well, don't they?

      But I sleep at night. For whatever that's worth.

    4. AOW, Agree. I decided a long time ago that if I wanted to be an A----- and I could have, I'd be much better off financially. But we don't take money with us. I have no regrets either.

    5. Kid,
      My mother was a federal employee (FTC and IRS) from 1934-1959, when she retired on disability after heart attacks. She left the pitiful family homestead and came to Washington during the Great Depression to find employment with the FDR federal government because there was only one other choice: starve. She never compromised her principles while working for the federal government, but had a helluva time because she was so damn honest.

      Mom was adamant that I never be a federal employee.

      When I worked for the public schools system for 5 years, I had to walk because I was ordered to pass a failing student (football team star). I refused and was told, "You know what this means?" I did. And I left when my contract expired in June.

      I have financial regrets, but I do not have spiritual regrets.

    6. AOW, I have regrets in a few categories, but not about screwing people over anyway. When I think about the past, I tend to only remember the mistakes.
