Sunday, March 26, 2017

Are Tardigrades Real?

Or is this a prank played by those wasckly scientists?

Click the picture


  1. OMGosh! You mean to tell me these ugly little critters are crawling around in my moss? Question: How many tardigrades will fit on the head of a pin? None, because no one wants to touch them.

    1. Maybe I should amend that opening sentence to "how many tardigrades are crawling around in the moss in my yard." Heh

    2. Adrienne, and how many are crawling around in your eyelashes !

    3. Adrienne, I just got that. Heh.

    Are you KIDDING ME? First, that 'mouth' looks more plastic than my tupperware! And second, it looks like it's wearing a hazmat jacket!!! This is like a miracle 'animal'...Wikipedia talks about it being the most resilient create ever....duh!

    1. Z, yea, if you click the picture, the description talks about how it can go without food and water for Decades.. Maybe we should call them democrats.

    2. Kid,

      It just MUST be a Democrat!

  3. Replies
    1. IMP, miles ahead of any democrat.

    2. dust mite. I could have lived a lifetime without THAT information! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get the lemon Pledge!!!

    3. (like Lemon Pledge'd KILL this thing!)

    4. Z, Lemon Pledge.. Do I have to put my house dress on too?

  4. We had a Giant Waterbear siting in oue town about a year ago... they get rather large!

    1. NO, NO, NO, DaBlade! That's a picture of MICHAEL MOORE without his mask.

    2. DaBlade, that Does look like mikey moooore

  5. Here's the COMMENT that went with te PICTURE:

    Is this an alien? Probably not, but of all the animals on Earth, the tardigrade might be the best candidate. That's because tardigrades are known to be able to go for decades without food or water, to survive temperatures from near absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, to survive pressures from near zero to well above that on ocean floors, and to survive direct exposure to dangerous radiations. The far-ranging survivability of these extremophiles was tested in 2011 outside an orbiting space shuttle. Tardigrades are so durable partly because they can repair their own DNA and reduce their body water content to a few percent. Some of these miniature water-bears almost became extraterrestrials recently when they were launched toward to the Martian moon Phobos on board the Russian mission Fobos-Grunt, but stayed terrestrial when a rocket failed and the capsule remained in Earth orbit. Tardigrades are more common than humans across most of the Earth. Pictured here in a color-enhanced electron micrograph, a millimeter-long tardigrade crawls on moss.

    And here I'd always been led to believe that ROACHES and HORSESHOE CRABS afre the most durable species in earth! Hmmmph!

    I'll bet this ugly little critter has NO IQ WHATSOEVER.

    If so, the complete lack of intelligence may be the secret of its success.

    After all isn't it our insatiable curiosity and over-eagerness to manipulate things to our own advantage the root of all our misery?

    It says so right in the Bible. If Eve hadn't tepmted Adama to "EAT of the FRUIT of the TREE of KNOWLEDGE," we'd all be living as peacefully as moss, ourselves, right now. ETERNAL LIFE with a complete absence of LIVELINESS.

    Now wouldn't THAT be jolly?

    1. FT..are you per chance describing Maxine Waters or Elijah Cummings?

    2. Well no, Imp. I was thinking more of tyrannical "reformers" like Savonarola, and brilliant, forever questioing "intellectuals," who have worked to destroy our capacity to have faith in God. These types have wanted the world to believe that either GOD does NOT EXIST, or that THEY (the intellectual in question) is God.

      the late Bertrand Russell was one name that popped quickly to mind. There have been many others.

      ____ CAPSULE HISTORY ____

      Plato and Socrates,
      Also Hippocrates,
      Really gave Civilization
      A boost.

      Then the cruel Romans,
      Islam, and the Germans,
      Marx, Freud and Split Atoms
      Its prospects reduced!

      ~ FT (1972)

    3. FT, I believe these things are aliens with high IQ's and are here spying on us. They're indestructible. They report back to their home planets every 50,000 years to let the rest of the galaxy know whether Earth is generally civilized enough to come visit in their natural form.

  6. That thing is UGLEE!

    I wonder if that parasite I had in my colon last October looked like this under a microscope?

    1. AOW, I'll bet your parasite looked a lot like nana pelosi. A drunk one. Well, is there any other kind?

    2. Kid,
      And I flushed her whenever I had the opportunity. **smile**

    3. OMG AOW, Pelosi being flushed. Damn what a sight. :-)

  7. I'm glad the rocket sending them to Mars failed. We don't know enough about the Martian environment to be sending these extremely hardy critters over there. This could've turned into a science fiction movie that doesn't end well for Earth. What if they evolved into a planet of rotor-mouthed Kim Jong-uns? Seriously, what were they thinking?

    1. Cube, I'm all for sending as many libtards and moslems vermins to Mars as we can.

    2. I'm all for that, too, for obvious reasons. The tardigrades are way too able to survive in less than ambient environments. They might just thrive and evolve on Mars. Then what do we do?

    3. Cube, First off we teach the Tardigrades to eat liberals and moslems and let nature take its course.

      As an aside, once we do start colonizing Mars one of my least favorite phrases will be History "..on the planet" No one will be able to say that anymore because the obvious response will be Which Planet ?!
