Friday, September 2, 2016

hil-rod clinton


Lots of language, and compared to what I've seen years ago and backed up by those in attendance and testifying to the accuracy, these are pretty tame. Yea, the beast is one serious piece of shit.

One I remember that doesn't appear on this site is when they drove the creature out to a 4H event during a campaign and she said "What the F are we doing here? These F-ing people don't have any F-ing money!"

I'm telling you. If you offered up your 6 year old daughter for a rape victim and the clinton's would get a $20 out of the deal they'd go for it.


  1. Dr. Ben Carson just put it versus accurately. Just what kind of fucking country are we to elect or stand behind a piece of shit like this. It defines who we really are when we would elect a scumbag lying asshole just because she has a vagina. Just who are these people that would turn a blind eye to the security of their country and align themselves behind a party? I'll tell you Commies and it's always been Cummings. I detest and hate this woman more than I do hemorrhoids.

    1. People don't suffer from hemorrhoids anymore, Imp.

      The problems better known now as HILLARRHOIDS.

      After all that woman is certainly a PAIN-in-the-ASS, ain't she?

      With any luck at all she'll be a BLEEDING Hillarrhoid on November 9th.

  2. IMP, I'm starting to hate democrats more than moslems and that's saying something.

    1. Kid... it ain't hard to do to hate either one of them, but I think for the future of our country that Hillary poses a more serious problem. At least we can kill Muslims if they threaten us. But what do you do with the traitorous bitch?

    2. Yea, what's been done about obama? Conservatives aren't violent. If they were, democrats would be victims and they aren't.

  3. What's worse kid is the typical Demrat comment that "I'm very concerned about what Hillary did and I know that is terrible but I'll just gonna stand behind her anyway." These people need their asses kicked.

    1. IMP - demrat supporters don't care how evil their politicians are.

      Let's kick their asses by seceding states and shutting off the free money.

    2. Yeah but I can think of something even worse, guys. How about those so-called "Establishment Republicans" better known as RINO'S who have publicly come out in favor of the ENEMY just to spite Mr. Trump for whipping their sorry asses in the primaries?

      HANG the D'Rats, but the RINO'S should be lowered –– very slowly –– feet first into vats of boiling crankcase oil. (:-o

    3. FT, yea at least the demrats make no bones about who they are and show they consider the enemy to be. Not far from treason eh?

  4. I was living in Little Rock during the years Bill served as governor. I think he and Hillary are both as crooked as snakes. Their scandals rocked Arkansas during his terms, but just as now they never had to pay the piper! I do believe, however, that it is Hillary that is the master mind behind their many schemes, while Bubba, the old country boy from Hope, AR just went along for the ride. As for my time in the state, as far as politics go, it was election night in 1980---my buddies and I tossed back many glass of Charter 10 that evening as the returns came in as Reagan kicked Carter's ass all the way back to Georgia. What a great nite!

    1. Ron, I am with you on hilrod being the evil 'mastermind'. Bill was only interested in women and had thousands of them. And many still want the sucker.

  5. Dinesh D'Souza's Hillary's America is back in theaters this weekend.
    I am surprised and disappointed at how few people I know have gone to see it, thinking they know it all.
    It is a brilliant expose of her and the Democratic Party.

    1. Ed, the people who need to see it won't. They don't like their fantasies disturbed on little bit. Which explains why they get very mad in the face of fact and reality.

  6. Did you just say Bill was the sucker!!!!!
