Thursday, September 2, 2010

Would You Do This ?


I'm thinking by the time I was as old as these dudes, I had more sense by then, but at 10 or 11, we'd have done pretty much anything we could think of.

Wait a minute!  I would have So Done That !
I remember doing some of it actually.


  1. I've seen guys do stuff like this while running away from me.
    Thank God for squad cars and radios.

  2. I think some cool Mario wall jumping moves there

  3. DeanO, it seems some of that might have been inspired by The Matrix.

  4. I've got a dirty little secret about these dudes: all of them (and I mean every last one of them) has broken at least one bone practicing those stupid moves.

    Ever wonder how that kid in 5th grade could do those things with his bike? He smashed up lots and has the scars to prove it while he was getting good at it.

    So too with these numbnuts. They miss one jump, one little step and BOOM: cast on the leg for 4 months. They don't show that in the video.

  5. Fredd, Righteous comment and I agree. But outside of breaking my leg at 16 on a motorcycle, wait til you read Chapter 5 of my autobiography...

    I'm going to try to get it on here within a month or so.

  6. when we were that young-did we think we were invincible or were we just stupid?--
    OK I'll chose the former :-) invincible it is!!!

  7. Actually this is quite popular in Europe (much better architecture) and I give them (any country) much credit for their dexterity.

  8. You are a dumb piece of shit!

  9. Energy, strength, stamina, and balls. Hey, if they can pull it off, go for it. I just hope they are ready to suffer the consequences for their actions should they fall, and not expect the government (i.e. fellow citizen tax payers) to pay for their medical care should they be hurt. There were a couple of cool moves in that video that looked like Mario come to life. These are the stunts that made the opening sequence of Casino Royale so exciting.

  10. Christopher, Yea, that makes a lot of sense.

  11. Anon, well, thanks for the effort anyway !

  12. Arby, I sure agree with all of that.

  13. Carol -CS, My answer to your question is Yes!

  14. Hi Kid, I'm a chicken, I would never do that! I'm happy I can make it across the streets around here, with the crazy drivers that don't read english.

  15. Hi Bunni, Well good luck crossing the roads !
