Thursday, September 23, 2010

Republican Pledge to America - Worthless Lip Service

Here's a link to what I read on it.

It was written by 3 congressmen. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see anywhere that all the Republicans have said "Yes we will do or die, stick a million needles in my eye"...

It is too unspecific anyway. It's like they listened to right wing talk radio, filled it with talking points and simply said "We are going to correct these issues".

Worthless, unspecific, and hardly binding even if you squint your eyes and take some drugs. About as valuable as Pelosi talking about how the new Congress was going to be ethical, bipartisan, and operate with some class or some such nonsense.

Regards Health Care, you can't repeal and replace it without fixing the problem which is frivolous lawsuits, and they say nothing about throttling lawyers.

The Fed is not controlled by Congress therefore they have little power to stop Gentle Ben's money printing. So, fine - stop TARP for example. Ah, so what, big deal, Too Late !

It is too unspecific, did I mention that? The whole thing reads like your teenage drug using son that promises to stop all the bad stuff if you just loan him the Caddy for tonight's date. Try again Republicans. Try, try again.

It does not even promise that Republicans will not take earmarks (Stolen Tax Money) until the problems have had some serous fixage - or even any other stipulation.

I see it as business as usual. I see it as worse than that actually. I see it as their version of Pelosi's pathological ramblings about draining the swamp and all that other nonsense.

As an aside, they are promoting it by also encouraging people to "Buy Their Book" Young Guns. Ah, No thanks. You want to get my attention, start a blog and lay it down for people to read for free. Especially since you sat idly by the first 6 years of the Bush term and did Jack Shit about anything.

And maybe it's me, but while the government is ramming a telephone pole up my rear, I'm not inclined to buy people's books detailing the process in every gory detail. Who would do that? I'm getting screwed and everybody wants me to send them money like that will have some effect on the problem ??? Count me out. Plus, I can easily come to my own conclusions.

(By the way, I'm writing a book about all this..kidding)

Try again Republicans.

In the meantime, I (and I hope 'we') will continue to look to replace you weak worthless liberals with red tags on your ears with Tea Party (as they call themselves) Conservatives.

As I commented to Fredd in a recent comment section, I hope people will retain their focus for about another 6 years at least, because it's going to take at least that long to build a stable of conservative government and even longer for the magical effects of private enterprise capitalistic growth to be seen by the populace.


  1. I listened to shallow mambo-jumbo on fox news....Kid, it's just rhetoric at the wrong time and wrong place for a people who don't give a rip about more "Political Pledges" Fix the problem, get rid of idiots and enough of this crap already - There - that's my pledge

  2. It is not radical. Ramming ObamaKare through was radical.

    An executive order stopping off shore drilling in the gulf was radical.

    Stimulus was radical.

    Obama and the Democrats are radical.

    It seems like a trust me pact. I don't have much trust in government

    There are too many establishment republicans and RINOs in the house and senate at the moment.

    Just the way I see it. They are betting it will be better than the chaos in the majority now.

  3. Kid - The self-serving Republican establishment is trying to restore the magic after the divorce.
    All the foreplay in the world is not going to get a dead bride excited.

    I didn't even bother reading the pledge. It's like pissing your name in the sand during low tide.

    Admiral, amen.

  4. Yeah, I didn't bother to read it, either.

    The same ol' players on the GOP side are now trying to tell us that they have changed their ways. If you recall, Kid, this guy that everyone is naming as the next Speaker (John Boehner) was the do-nothing, reach across the aisle type, and general master of disaster majority whip under Dennis Hastert (R-Il), Denny H., incidentally was my congressman from the 14th district in Illinois - a seat now held by Bill Foster, a card carrying commie pinko red Marxist. Good going Denny, for setting us up for the ascendency of Obama and Socialism. And don't forget, John Boehner didn't exactly have nice, clean hands during our drubbing at the hands of the Dems in '06. He was knee deep involved and the number two guy of our tax and spend 109th congress back then.

  5. DeanO, they are convinced we're stupid.

  6. Admiral, Let's keep voting them out !

    And yea, Amen

  7. Sig, yes, it's really insulting they'd think they would get away with something so lame.

  8. Fredd, Agreed. And again, let's keep voting against non-conservatives.

  9. Hi Opus, I hope you're having a great one. ;-)

  10. Geeez-You don't believe them!!?
    You have no faith in the Rs Hope and Change--Oh wait-that would be the Ds terminology -guess they've (Rs) shown themselves to be Dem lite..

    I'll wait and see..

  11. Carol-CS, Yep, it's not encouraging. It's going to take a long time at best.

  12. Woman, Thank you. Well, the real men don't seem to be getting involved in Politics eh..

    You know no that you brought it up - in a different way - it occurs to me that we are way over-weighted in homosexuals in Congress.

    Given these are the activist variety, I don't see that as a good thing. And I have not the slightest problem with 98% of the homosexuals in this country who just go about their lives.

  13. The R's are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. They always have been. They always will be.

  14. Arby, Outside of Ronald Reagan, I find I must agree wholeheartedly.

    And yes, if this is to be solved, most of them must be replaced by conservatives over the next 6 years.
