Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hey Democrat Politicians


Tell Us How You're Going to Solve the Current Problems. Economy. Unemployment. Tell us How and Why You are Better Choices. And while you're at it, explain why there has been negative progress on all fronts the entire time you've been in power.

And don't give us this bullshit about Republicans standing in the way. Not a one voted for the [non]health care bill you rammed up our ass, but it went through anyway didn't it.

And Voters, My God people, stop acting like sluts watching and howling like monkeys at people spending trillions of your tax dollars, and all they can come up with during any campaign is insult the other side while accomplishing nothing on the real problems facing this country. It's embarrassing living in the same country with you adolescent assholes.

(I hope I didn't come off too strong.)


  1. Kid:

    Don't sweat it. In around 40 days, you'll be smiling.

    Me too.

  2. Fredd, Thanks for the comment. I think Nov 2 is going to come off better than expected.

    What I worry about is that the 'republican' party is looking at the current events as business as usual swing to the left, swing a little back toward the right when they have power.

    Obviously, we need a majority of "tea partiers" who will transform the party back to being strong conservatives unafraid to act decisively. So, I worry about 2012, and folks losing focus, and we end up with sameO sameO repubs and maybe even a Mitt Romney as a candidate choice. (I think probably anyone will beat obama, but...)

    All the usual suspects that I can think of for a White House run are either Liberals (Mitt, Mike Huckabee, McCain/supalib) or Unelectable (Ron Paul, Palin, etc)

    I think we need someone no one has heard of and for people to keep their focus. Tall order I think.

    But this post is more about my absolute disgust with people who want to run our lives acting like children.
