Monday, November 6, 2017

So, What the Hell is On Your Mind?


Or not.

Just to try to trip you up let me say that there are 19,076 different gender pronouns and the list is growing.  Especially at Facecrap Central.

Gratuitous Image to trip you up further....


  1. When I first looked at that painting I thought, "Salvador Dali." I don't recall ever seeing it, so I did an image search and sure enough, it's a Dali. I love his Christ of St.John of the Cross and I own a signed copy of his Last Supper. My Aunt was in DC when the painting was unveiled at the National Gallery back around 1951 and he was there and signed prints - for free. I called the Salvador Dali Museum many years ago and they didn't even know the prints were given out and had never seen one. I'm figuring, after some research, that it's valued at about 5 or 6K now.

    What's on my mind? Nothing...

    1. Not whether or not to sell the print? :)

    2. At the moment I'm thinking of Dali's Corpus Hypercubus and it's implication of the coexistence of science and religion. I'm also thinking of Gala (posed as Mary Magdalene) and how Dali revered her so in his paintings, but not so much in real life. A complex man.

    3. Cube, yes, Dali's art was just sexual enough to be very interesting as an artist in the erotic without being pornographic and complex enough to really put a wide range of images together.

      I like the Battle of Tetouan also.

  2. What's on my mind? Too much. How and when to fix my truck, finish reprogramming my friends machine and minding our newspaper sales (getting used to it) besides my daily job.
    And sleep.
    Getting sleep.

    1. Ed, I really like that sleep idea.

    2. Looking forward to a 4-day weekend with Mrs 'Blade after today. AND NOT having to do any more newspaper sales for closing in on 7 years in a row.

  3. 1. The Unfair Treatment of President Trump, his Family, and his Associates

    2. The Unpunished Rottenness and Criminality of Hillary and Bill Clinton

    3. The Menace of Islam in the West

    4. The Menace of North Korea

    5. The incredible Stupidty and Inertia of the GOP-led Congress

    6. Building the Southern Border Wall

    7. Smashing and Outlawing SANCTUARY Cities with military FORCE if needed

    8. The dishinesty and stuoidity of the anti-Gun lobby

    9. The way the DemonRats cynically POLITICIZE and EXPLOIT every disaster and tragedy

    10. The stupidity of over-emphasizing Sexual Harassment to the detriment of more important concerns

    11. Taking down those Monuments

    12. Eliminating trolls in the blogosphere

    1. FT, Excellent ! Fantastic.

    2. Yes, it's a lot, Ed, but when yiu're retired as I am, and have possbly too much time in my hands, I tend to think more than the average person abut these and other pressing issues of the day..

      The ENEMDIA's treatment of Mr.Trump digusts me, but the GOP Establishment's determination to block and balk everything on their president's agenda jusg for spite actually FRIGHTENS me.

      Naturally, we expect that from the Marxicrats, but when "Our Side"appears no longer to be on OUR SIDE, it's almost impossible to know where or to whom we could turn.

  4. Thanks for a little "culture" - I knew blogging had some benefit.. Beautiful. I had not seen it before.

    1. Bunkerville, Dali has several version of this one, and some interesting other works.


    In case you missed it last night I've posted a video of President Trump's Address to the South Korean Assembly last night at my blog.

    It's well worth your time, if you can and forty-minute to watch it.

    NEVER read or listen to ANYTHING the ENEMDIA has to say ABOUT President Trump. Listen to the MAN, HIMSELF, instead, and learn what a great guy he really is.

    I can see that he has grown tremendously since he first descended that esclator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy.

    Last night's speech was brilliantly written, and beautifully delivered.

    DON'T watch the "NEWS." Instead watch the PRESIDENT'S SPEECH. It should make your day a great deal brighter.

    1. FT, I agree, not even Fox gets the message out well. Trump has to keep Tweeting.

      DJT can say inaccurate things, be an ass at times, but deep down he a good man. Melania wouldn't still be around and his kids wouldn't be who they are either. He really cares for Americans. First one since Reagan. This time last year I had no idea who he would be.

      Having said that I don't pay over attention to Trump the person, but Trump's agenda - what is getting done or not done. I think he has gotten soft with the Congress because that tax plan the house came with is bullshit as was their healthcare plan.

      We have a chance to pick up some conservatives in 2018. 25 dems are defending and 15 are in real trouble, also some Rinos may be taken out.

    2. Thanks, Kid. I copied and posted you cmoment here at my blog.

      I hope you din't mind?

    3. FT, Copy and paste me anywhere anytime.

  6. I have to admit that Salvador Dali was about the last thing in my mind when you posted this, Kid, but I remember being fascinated by his work as a young child –– particularly the 'melted watches' –– and well into my twenties whenever I went to New York's Museum of Modern Art, which I did frequenly in the "olden days."

    I remember being most impressed by his incredibly fine brush strokes in this picture of the Crucifixion, which hangs at MOMA. He was capable of producing absolutely photographic images, which, of cousre, he placed in bizarre, unrealistic setting and juxtapositions.

    1. Definitely one of the masters FT. I can relate to a lot of his stuff. Picasso/ I wouldn't give you a dime for any of his paintings unless to sell it.

    2. It's true that Picasso spent a lot of his career trying to catch Matisse but it's a mistake to ignore him, especially Les Demoiselles d'Avignon and Guernica.

      Thing about Picasso is that he was a more original sculptor than painter.

    3. He may have been a good sculptor.

  7. WOW !!!
    and-- I love Free thinker's 12 point list :-)
