Sunday, November 7, 2010

Obama to Increase Exports to India

That's what the news stories say anyway. Really ? I sure don't think so.

A company in India is making a $2,500.00 car. Strike autos off the list. And you can use that as a common denominator (price factor) into every other product that will be mass purchased in India. So, what the hell can the USA make to sell to India. Defense weapons maybe. Porn movies, but that's all illegal over there I believe and they've got their own Hollywood industry there anyway. It's called Bollywood.

Here's an idea. Since India has been used to outsource the vast majority of phone technical support and software generation for a multitude of American companies, maybe we will export more jobs to India. I'd say that's about the only thing where exports are going to increase.

I saw one story that said obama gave them 10 billion. For what?

What a joke. Are there really people that buy this BS out there. Of course.


  1. how pathetic is this..did u hear his speech on Izzzzzzzzzlam while he was could spit! hope your'e havin a great weekend my friend!:)

  2. Do we still manufacture anything in this country??? How about lowering the tax burdon on American companies so we can return to a country of manufacturers instead of consumers...

  3. Woman, No, sorry I don't listen to him. I haven't listened to him since before the 08 elections.
    Don't need and I'm already taking blood pressure meds...

    Anyway, yes, pathetic.
    2 more years.... but at least neutered years.

  4. Born Again, Not much eh? I'd say the unions, while they were necessary at one time, only stand in the way of American exceptionalism today.

    Tax breaks would help certainly. Utlimately, I think it's the whole liberal weight holding it down now.
    Taxes, EPA, trail lawyers, Union demands, HC,and other burdens that companies are subject to in America that no other company in the world is subject to. There simply isn't a way to compete.

  5. This is what happens when your foreign policy is about empire building. We need close ties with India to offset the growing influence of China. Who surfers? As always, the common man.

  6. Trestin, yes, I've been feeling like I'm at the bottom of the food chain for a while now being middle class.

  7. Next, Obama will export our government jobs to India. Call the capitol building, be routed through India. And what is your zip code please? I will make sure he/she gets the message, Thank You.

  8. Maybe some of that 10 Million bucks can go towards propping up Bollywood, and I can in time view another movie of the calibre of 'Slumdog Millionaire.' Great movie, if you haven't seen it.

    Ship Brad Pitt's and Sean Penn's jobs to India, I say.

  9. The state run news is not really news.

  10. Admiral, yes, most of it is either advertising, or propaganda, which is also advertising.

    Somebody gots to pay dem bills.

  11. Everything this nut does is worse and worse. He was really a laughing stock all over the world this week.
    Too bad he has to come back, and continue our destruction.

  12. Bunni, He can't even manage a trade agreement with S Korea. !! A country that depends on us for their existence !

    Man I wish people were smarter.

  13. You and me both!
    PS: I loved the comment about your Father's Service in WWII, those were great stories, and I updated my post and linked you!
    Enjoy your day, It's cold out here, but at least not raining! I am not raking leaves until they have all fallen off the trees ;-)

  14. Bunni, thanks again. I waited as well and it worked out. We got some strong winds over the last couple weeks and most of the leaves blew into the neighbors yard :)
