Sunday, October 24, 2010

Please Vote Against Harry Reid

You don’t have to vote FOR Sharon Engle.  Just vote AGAINST Harry Reid.  Difference.

Plus this is a test first post from Window Live Writer where you can post directly to blogger and other web publishing services.


  1. Hey kid, with Nevada in the toilet I can't figure out why the polls are so close and this colossal baboon still stands a chance of winning!

  2. Hey, the test post worked. And I hope Harry Reid is out of work very soon.

  3. DeanO, Yea after the imbecile in chief has been trash talking Vegas for two years now.

    They must have California Disease.

  4. Opus, Yea! And, out of work is right too, since these jokers have stolen enough money they don't have to work.

  5. Hi Kid! I hope dirty harry gets shown the trash bin.
    How people could even consider a vote FOR him, I'll never figure out.
    PS: How are you, the family, and the adorable pets? Well, I hope. TTYL

  6. Bunni ! I am So happy you are back.

    All is well here. :) TTYL
