Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not in a Million Fricken Years


Chevy prices Volt at $41,000 but will push leases

And it gets worse:

A federal tax credit would shave the electric car's price to $33,500.

Tax payers get to kick in $7,000 for every dumbass that buys one.


  1. Hey Kid - the day is not far away when Washington will tell the people which cars they can have and must purchase - but I agree - not in my lifetime (doesn't look like it'll pull my pontoon boat)

  2. I'll walk or ride my bike before I'll buy one of those.

  3. I'll walk or ride my bike before I'll buy one of those.

  4. The Dem's "fairness" system is the most unfair thing I've ever heard of. Ayn Rand must be spinning in her grave.

  5. DeanO, If we happen to go protectionist/isolationist, the government will effectively be telling us what to buy.

    It could happen easily. Especially with th dems following the Great Depresesion game plan.

  6. Arby, I'm with you there on some level, but I have got a hard way to go to get to work on a bike. Not gonna happen :)

    I believe there will be options. Nissan already has a much lower priced one. Though I don't consider Nissan as a good car.

    Toyota has recently teamed with Tesla Motors

    That's something I could get a little excited over.

    I would like to have an electric for commuting to work and back. Not for 40k though, and with an 8k replacement battery (last I heard) that will suck up any money you've 'saved' on gas.

  7. Opus, She is. I lunch with a retired couple most days and the lady is a reasonable mental facsimile of Ayn Rand. I have no doubt.

    Ayn probably saw it coming though.

    Sad when you can see a train coming from miles away and can't talk anyone into getting off the tracks.

  8. I can't see saving on gas-to trade for batteries that are a hazard to the landfills.
    What about the long road trips, not gonna happen especially for spaced out cities.

  9. I will have no wealth to spread around after this.

  10. The electric car is the dumbest idea the eco-fascists have! Where do they think the electricity comes from? What will happen to all those batteries.

  11. They Say, you would probably be paying more for this than for a current gas powered auto over the life of the vehicle. Absurd.

    Guess like any new product they want to see how many dumbasses will bite before accepting a normal profit on it.

    Can you imagine, replacing all that drive train, with a small gas engine (to recharge while you drive) and some electric motors ?
    Their cost has to be tremendously lower for this thing.

  12. Admiral. I could use a commuter electric for going back and forth to work - 20 miles one way. But only at a reasonable price.

    I'll wait and see what Toyota comes up with. Toyota vehicles have more American parts and labor in them than do American cars anyway.

  13. Trestin, yea, those are some big ass batteries and with enough of these things on the road, the electric grid is going to need some serious rebuilding.

    Ain't no free lunch.

  14. I predict that piece of sh*t electric car will fall on its face. Nobody except pinkos buy that garbage, anyway, and there's not enough pinkos out there with that kind of dough...other than idiot Hollywood types who want to make a statement, like moron Ed Begely, Jr.

    They gotta cash in way too many food stamps and cash way too many welfare checks to buy that stupid electric car.

    They'll just have to keep their street legal shopping carts.

  15. Fredd, I'll be shocked to see any more of these on the road than I do the suicide machine - the Smart Car.

  16. That stupid Smart Car: how do you spell 'death by impact?' A rolling coffin, give me a Ford F150 4x4 any day.

  17. Fredd, at least a motorcycle has enough power and maneuverability to get out of the way.

    The smart car is right up there with the Vespa or Moped.

  18. hey Kid..thanks so much for the vis and comment at WHT!...How far from the wall socket can u travel?..lol

  19. OK-I wasn't going to comment a plug-in car- but...
    I 'll take my 1976 International Scout II - a true gas guzzler! over this thing...BTW-I loved my Scout II...
    your Government Motors at work -- Isn't it great....SARC

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Carol, I sure don't have any confidence in GM and Chrysler and wouldn't buy from them simply because they are owned by the government.

    Plus my Toyota Sienna is #5 in the list for most American parts and labor content. 85%. Much higher than the vast majority of 'American' cars.

  22. Obummer should take his stupid car and drive it straight off a clip. I would rather walk (which I do now) than drive this car, even if it was free.

  23. Just wanted to drop a note saying that I really like your blog! Keep up the great work!

    common cents

  24. Oh, Happy Day!!! Anybody got a bong?

  25. WHT ! Sorry, I just realized I replied to the wrong comment with the one I made to you earlier.


    Well, I guess these things are meant to be short distance commuters. They have little engines in them that can recharge while you drive. 300 mile capacity they say, but still definitely a niche vehicle.

  26. Gene, I just sold mine on Ebay
