Saturday, January 5, 2019

Millennials Signing Up For "Adulting" Classes

LOL.  And no doubt paying for them too.

Read all about it.  I believe I saw a crapload of these kinds of people out and about today.

A young man I know of 43 tells me his generation has done an absolute piss poor job of parenting. Yep.

He also tells me young people are vicious.  Nasty little nasty-ass buggers who help incite the more fragile members to pick up weapons and kill a bunch of them in school buildings.  
Yep, that is part of it I believe.

Social media is also part of it.  Young girls are particularly sensitive to it.  Needing acceptance and getting nasty bulling and insults instead has caused many to commit suicide.

This country is FUBAR. The moslems, commies, and democrats are licking their lips. Believe me.



  2. I must agree with the first part of the link:

    Failure on the parents’ part, public education and at the individual level. I also blame social media.

    But I bet “Julia” and “Pajama Boy” are proud…

    Yep. The destruction of our republic is upon us.

    Look. When I was living at home -- and I lived at home through college and up to the moment I married two weeks after graduating from college -- Mom did all the housework except for laundry so that I could concentrate on my studies. But once I was married and Mr. AOW and I were on our own, we learned to do whatever we need to do. No college course needed, merely a good cookbook and some common sense for whatever else. No struggle, either. Just the occasional call to Mom to get a few instructions/details.

    "Adulting" isn't rocket science. What the hell is wrong with these young people that they can't manage as Mr. AOW and I did? We were in our early 20s and working full time, too. And we didn't have much information at our fingertips. No digital Information Age.

    I despair when I think about the levers of power (and medical care) passing to these incompetent young people!

    1. AOW, Parents and Education, but it has to go beyond that. I and everyone (guys) I hung out with as a teenager were chomping at the bit to get a job and a drivers license so we could go girl hunting. Girls, Cars, Motorcycles, Fun. 100% of our interests for a good while as teenagers.

      This young man also tells me that kids aren't even interested in getting drivers licenses and many he knows into their 20's and 30's !!! I don't know how to relate to that but I do know it is seriously FUBAR.

      Speaking of medical care, my doctor in his late 40s I believe told me he had to do 8500 hours of intern before he could hang a shingle. as of about 10 years ago, they are only required to do 5000. Maybe less today. He is sure the 3500 hours difference makes a big difference in competency.

    2. To expand AOW. My dad taught me basic mechanics and electrical and even welding. We were maintaining our own bikes at 8 yrs old. mom taught us how to cook a basic meal like Spaghetti, lasagna, etc. How many parents have done that since say 1980.

      I remember coming back from the car dealer in 2012. I remember the year because it was when we bought a new car and truck. At a stop light, a couple, each pushing a baby carriage were literally dressed in clown suits, puffy white suits with multi-colored dots. Hahhaaa - I so wish I'd have had a camera.

    3. Kid,
      kids aren't even interested in getting drivers licenses

      I've noticed that. Beyond weird.

    4. AOW, That's just nuts. Scary even.

  3. We are today exactly where the communist left has taken us. Over reliance on government, adicted to social media so that no one has social skills that lead to success ... not to mention the unstated effect these devices leave with our maturing population, which is having to be accountable for the things we say (or post on Facebook or Twitter). Back in my day, if you ever said some of the things you see posted on social media to someone's face, you'd likely get knocked on your ass. What kind of moron sends sexually explicit photographs of themselves to others while thinking there are no consequences to that sort of behavior? And remember, it is largely parents who purchase hugely expensive iPhones for their children, and the sexually explicit or homocidal inducing video games. Those on the left must be rejoicing that they've brought us to this point. None of this would have been possible if Americans (from about the time when Clinton served as president) had more than a single brain cell. I know ... I'm preaching to the choir.

    1. Sam,
      Those on the left must be rejoicing that they've brought us to this point.

      They are laughing up their sleeves!

    2. And mostly all the way to the bank AOW. obama - 18 Trillion ! Where did it go when none of it even built a single bridge in America. ?

  4. Sam, Conrade Brezmanov says step one of active measures in the country of your enemy is demoralization. I'd say that process is completed now and in fact as he also says - Over fulfulled. I don't see many people who look like they try to maintain much self-respect. Most of the people I see are dressed like slobs. There's more to that story of course.

    Seems few focus on what's important. People running around looking for ways to be offended or pick any other useless activity.

    Overuse of smart phones/computers (staring at the screens) has been proven to damage the brain permanently.

    I agree of course with all of your comment.

  5. I know this is not going to be a popular opinion with you younger folks, but as a nearly-78-year-old Witness to History i can tell you with strong conviction that the great Unravelling and Disintegration we lament today began in earnest in 1955 with the advent of Elvis Presley who ushered in the dismal and depraved era of Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll. Soon after I graduated from college the Supreme Court declared Bible reading and Prayer in schools to be "unconstitutional," then they declared PORNOGRAPHY to be legal, and made readily avaiable everywhere, then ennedy was shot, and soon after that LBJ accosted us with The Great Society, and immediately after these cataclysmic dvelopmentst everything began to careen madly downhill at ever increasing rates of speed.

    I truly believe that by dismissing the fear of God as "outmoded superstition," "discriminatory," and "racist" along with the embrace of raucous, insensitive, coarsely sensual, pointedly degenerate, hideously iconoclastic, neo-primitive, quasi-savage non-music that took over the culture in the SICK-sties we signed the virtual Death Warrant of our once vibrant, creative, charmingly romantic, naively frivolous, seriously ambitious, morally ressible, high-achieving society.

    Combined those dreadful developments have cheapened and coarsened us all to a far greater degree than even most of us who consider ourselves conservative-libertarians can even begin to realize.

    As I've said probably too often, I believe all these degenerative developments were very DELIBERATELY set in motion by the members of the Cultural Marxist of Frankfurt School who made it rheir mission to infiltrate our univesities, spread confusion, dissatsfaction, cynicism, disloylty, then attack, upend, maim, and eventally destroy Western Civilization because of their hatred for Christianity and Capitalism.

    These diaboliclly clever devils did a brilliant job at accomplishing their nefarious ends. It is all too evident in the horrid things we rightly abhor and biterly resent today.

    You don't have to believe me, but I'm POSITIVE I know whereof I speak. because I've SEEN it unfold right before my very eyes. And though I know it's not "fashionable" to say such things today, I see the DEVIL'S hand in ALL of it.

    Is it any wonder that life feels more and ore like a iiving HELL when we've made such a point of abandoning FAITH in GOD in favor of embracing obscenity and dissolute behavior condoned and seductively encouraged by a spurious, demonic ideology called Secular Humanism?

    1. Franco, Darn good run down as far as I'm concerned. I'll just inject that kids have always been interested in sex and rock and roll, and as far as rock, they just didn't know it until it came along. I wasn't interested in popular music until I heard the Beatles 'I want to hold you hand" at 11 on my new used transistor radio. The Beatles were mostly love songs until the early 70's then went the psych route.

      As far as drugs, maybe I'm just naive, but in my mind drug culture went bananas right after Kent State. I think the government may have had a hand in bringing in massive amounts of Maryjane and other drugs and making them available at the colleges mainly and it spread from there. The drug companies may have had a hand in it too, but I think not without the blessing of the gov. I have a number of reasons to think so, none of which would add any value to this conversation.

      As far as satan (a given) and the USSR throwing wrenches into our crankcase, I have no doubt.

      Right now, there are a great many young people who don't have to put any or much effort into living, and when no effort is needed, there is no focus - no desire or need to fetter out what is real and what is not. So they can easily believe all this bullshit today. Trump is racist, there are 57 genders and counting, moslems are nice people, socialism is great,..... the list is endless.

    2. You raised an important point, Kid, when you said, "I'll just inject that kids have always been interested in sex and rock and roll, and as far as rock, they just didn't know it until it came along."

      Of course all guys (and most gals too! ;-) have always been interested in sex. It's hard-wired into our species, and is, I daresay, the primary source of the greatest pleasure AND the greatest misery we can experience –– depending on how we handle it.

      I'll say flat out that I don't like Rock 'n Roll. Never did. Never will. Back in 1955 when it suddenly arrived in the persion of Elvis the Pelvis, I was only fourteen, but I knew right away that the Enemy Had Landed on our shores, and life would never be as gentle, pleasant, elegant, romantic, easy-going, convivial and reassuring again.

      I was right.

      i don't "condemn" anyone for having gotten caught up in tRock 'n Roll's hostile takeover of our culture. Rock is the music of rebellion agains authority, of dissolution, of self-indulgence, of unbridled hedonism, of selfishness, of mockery, of cynicism, of lazy-mindedness, etc. It has glorified chronic immaturity, immorality, callousness, and corruption. Consequently, it has done much to prolong "chidhood" well into middle age and even beyond.

      More than that it has had a stuntng, stifling influence on the development of conscience, loyalty, acceptance of responsibility, worthy ambition, devotion to loved ones based on principle, self-discipline and benign idealistic visions and hopes for a better, more refined, more beautiful, more affectiinate, less brutl and savage world.

      I loved –– and STILL one –– the popular music of the years before 1955. Much of it was silly, shallow, mawkish, and inane, but it was basically WHOLESOME –– and it was FUN. It did not actively seek to "revolutionize" the culture or subvert American ideals as Rock most certainly has done..

      Fortunately, I found myself hopelessly in love with classical music by age six, so i quickly grew past the pop music of the time, and became deeply involved in something so wonderful and so incredibly beautful I can't find words to express it.

      YOUR love for Tommy Emmanuel and Chet Atkins, I see as a very encouraging sign. THOSE guys are far far far above anything "Rock" has ever produced, and even though my first love will always be Beethoven & Co., I have the greatest respect for Tommy's incredible genius.

      I think I was lucky to have discovered the wonder and glory of classical music early on, but it set me apart, made me seem an oddball, and in some ways made it difficult for me to relate to my peers until long after we all grew up.

      Everything comes at a price, Kid. The price our society has paid for embracing aggressive, seditious, highly seductive, degenerate cultural initiatives that were delberately pushed into the mainstream by evil geniuses devoted to the destruction of Christinanity, Capitalism, Western Europe, and the Untied States as founded has been much too high.

      Sorry if I seem like an old fuddy-duddy, but I've never been more serious, or more sure of anyhng in my life.

      As has often been said, "Satan's greatest achievement to date has been his uncanny ability to ocnvince the world that he doesn't exist,"

      In other words we have been duped ––skillfully immunized against awareness of the great harm we have been doing to ourselves since time immemorial. That is EXACTLY how "Satan" works. He makes EVIL appear ienticing, tintoxicatingly ATTRACTIVE, and therefore, virtually irresistible.

    3. Franco, For me, when I say I liked Rock, I only liked some it. Being a guitar fan, I loved Led Zeppelin 1. Jimmy Page blew it out. Some other bands displayed some real musician quality. Leave it said that between the late 60's and the late 70's I'd bought a total of 25 albums.

      I hate most of rock. Aerosmith. Totally sucks, Dokken, Def Lepard, all gimmick bands, all garbage music. But we had from Simon and Garfunkle to Frank Zappa and everything in between.

      Today we have modern music where every tune has the same steel guitar track and vocal notes sheet, disgusting. I'd rather eat dirt. Then you got Rap. Then you have modern music which I'm not even sure what you call it, but the singers can't sing, the musicians sound like they're just learning, the melodies are like kindergarten music, and the lyrics are incomprehensible. Sucks with a capitol F.

      You have some individuals like Tommy, Joe, some others but not many where the quality of the tunes are very good to my taste. I like quality music and don't care the genre much as I also have eclectic taste.

      Don't have a single Elvis tune on my playlist. Elvis was for heartbroken girls.

      I like some classical, like the one at AOW's the other day. Problem with a lot of classical is too many violins. Don't care for violin.

      Then .. Oh look a squirrel ! Gotta Go.

    4. Modern Country Muisc, with the same music score and the same male or female voice, just slightly different lyrics.

  6. I just had an interchange with someone on a family members FB post.
    It seemed there was an unseen contributor.
    I deduced it was my 40 yr old SJW niece, which turned out to be correct.
    I then mentioned that someday she might grow up and discuss things like an adult.
    She then blocked the person I was "talking" to (who informed me of that).
    Can't challenge their world view. They can't defend it.

    1. Exactly Ed. They're militant. They'd rather be dead than be called 'racisss'. They live in a fantasy and when that fantasy is challenged (i.e. by factual info), they react in a self-preservation type way. Their world is only what they want it to be which has merit in the sense of no evil, but has no basis in reality. They can't deal with reality. Their minds are pre-kindergarten. Define it any way you want. They will not come along peacefully.

      I'd say 40 is the new 10 in the sense of not becoming Conservative around the age of 30.

    2. Not becoming conservative Until the age of 30 or so.

  7. Let us not blame Elvis!! I suggest the beginning of the end was at the time of the Vietnam war. For the first time we were having a "live" war piped into our living rooms as we sat watching t.v. on our t.v. tray.

    Every Friday, Cronkite dutifully reported the number killed.

    I recall for a number of months it always seemed to be around 350 or so.
    The age of reason came upon us. That all wars are not good wars. We can debate the merits good or bad of the war, but what became clear is that the government could lie to us.
    That waging war could be unfair. The rich kids got deferments, the poor not so lucky and got to be grunts.
    Paradise lost.

    1. Great points there Bunk. Lyndon "I'll never send our boys to die in some foreign country" Johnson took this country a long way down the sewer pipe and left us with unfixable problems. Carter with the Fed Dept of Ed also. Clinton the jobs to Mexico and China and elsewhere. 3 dems in office since 1963 and look how much damage they've done.

      Fortunatly, DJ Trump is going to Erase that POS obama. At least temporarily. If a dem majority comes back though so will all that crap.

    2. Agree Kid. With the cable came dozens of channels and 24 hour news. Our insulation came undone. I recall we got 15 minutes of news each day on three networks and that was it when I was young, then later it went to 30 minutes.
      Finally in the '90s the internet.

    3. Bunk, It Was pretty hard to put out so much BS just at 6 and 11. :)

      Honestly, WTF do these media people hope to gain by pushing communism? Are they that stupid? Are they being paid up the ass? both?
      It's just hard to understand people being this stupid and they've been this way for decades.

    4. Just want t crify one point, Bunker. I don't blame ELVIS, I blame the manipulators beh[nd the scenes who promoted him, sold him to the younger generation of hs day, and then and exploited him.

      I didn't expect anyone to understand when I said what I said, but one always hopes ... (sigh!)

  8. _________ A Backward Glance _________

    I gaze now in perpetual wonderment, grief 

    And sorrow at the jagged, rotting stump 

    Of the once-vital, arcing grandeur

    Of the dear and familiar tree 

    That gave me shade and comfort, 

    While all around me weeds, thorns 

    Strange, stunted saplings, and bitter fruit

    Litter the parched stony soil

    Beneath a pitiless, gray wintery sky.

    ~ FreeThinke

    1. Franco, I just watched a video of the 'Top Viral Videos of 2018' and it's freakin Boring.
      actually beyond boring.




      That's why I sit here, write poetry, and make up my own stuff as I go along. You don'thve o
      ke it, but I'M never bored. thanks for putting up with my stuff, kid.

      Sorry about the all caps. I got locked in by mistake, didn't notice it till I'd finished, and was too lazy to type it all over again.

    3. Franco, I do that myself with the caps. "Screw it I ain't re-typing". No apologies necessary here unless you're a libtard.

      I skip right past every headline that has the name of a politician, celebrity, or otherwise idiot in it. I'm not reading much these days.

      Yea, don't worry about the outside world beside outside your window. Can't do anything about it. Have a good time with you and yours.

  9. Kid, I have to agree. Imagine how awesome things will be when the current crop of vicious, self-entitled little thugs comes of age.

    1. LSP, Man what's it going to be like when these little geniuses take over media, entertainment, politics, And Education. Wow. Can it get worse? yes.

  10. My daughter in law uses a 2 minute timeout on a 6 year old. What the eff is that?

    1. Two minutes isn't long enough for a 6 year old.

    2. I use 15-minute timeouts with Minxy. They work.

      Just sayin'.

  11. Odie, I think time-outs are effective. I used to beg my parents to just beat me so I could go out. Nope. Off to my room, where there was only a bed, walls and windows. Maybe you can't time out these kids, they time themselves out with all the electronic entertainment they have in their room.

    Gotta be more than 2 minutes though. It has to be enough they are bored to tears and remember it for a good while. 2 minutes is a cake walk.
