Sunday, September 14, 2014

Bipolar Planetary Nebula? Is There a Drug for That ?

Our future, but when?

Click the picture to go to the site and read a description.  Clicking again gets a larger version.


  1. Yes, but it may cause increased urination and shortness of pants.

    1. Ed, it would if we were closer to it. People stressing about solar flares, imagine a super nova, then imagine if it was homosexual. (it's a state law to mention homosexuality on all blogs now according to a quota system...)

  2. Rohrshack response: it may be beautiful to some, but it just looks like a spilled glop of purple squishy on the sidewalk. What's a purple squishy, you ask? You can go down to your local Quicky Mart, ask Apu to fetch you one, and suck away.

    1. Then I must confess, it looks like a giant mouth from another dimension slowly eating our galaxy.

    2. Fredd, I never liked the purple squishies. I did like the orange push ups though.

    3. Ed, actually, our universe is expanding because more stuff is blowing in through black holes than is being sucked out. And it is not good stuff blowing in....

  3. Looks quite a bit like a human brain viewed from the top. There is even a midline.

    1. AOW, I hadn't seen that until I read your comment.

  4. Or, it resembles a single cell dividing into two cells. Intergalactic mitosis?

    1. Fredd, It looks like a 1930's Jazz Trumpet player to me.

      btw - The market is going to correct either next week or soon in October. :)

  5. Kid: what are you basing this correction on? Voodoo?

    And that is a fairly specific prediction, within the month. As I recall, you predicted a correction much like this a month ago, and yet it hit all time highs.

    Nobody has a crystal ball, and timing the market is mighty iffy, on a good day. In the long term, equities are a good bet. And the long term has this current bull market staying bullish because of politics at least through the mid term elections. And possibly through the 2016 election and maybe even beyond.

    Your doom and gloom prediciton would demand that you short the S&P and/or Dow immediately, with big bucks. Are you pouring money into equity shorts as we speak, Kid? I am long, long LONG on the market. And will stay so for the unforeseen future.

    1. Fredd, Well as stated previously, this is just a prediction for fun. The pros would describe it as based on all of the indicators, it would be a time to exercise caution, raise a little cash by selling a little, and hoping to redeploy the cash at lower prices.

      As far as why now:
      Historically, the market has never gone for more than this without a correction. 66-67 months
      September-October are traditionally months when the market corrects.
      Traditionally, small caps sell off first, then mid, the finally large caps. The small caps were quite weak recently.
      The QE is down to 15 bln a month now, many think the QE of 85 bln a month was fueling the market.

      OTOH, I recently see that the market has flash a DOW Theory Buy signal. In 25 words or less, the Dow and the Dow Transports indexes make a new high in close proximity in time to each other. S&P Earnings (earnings of all companies in the S&P500 have been going up year after year since 2009. The smartest guy I know, a chief market strategist for Raymond James - Jeff Saut (you can find his stuff on the web) predicts there are around 8 years left in the Bull Market and the S&P is expected to top out around 2840.

      That's the straight skinny.

      Finally, I would advize anyone not to take anyone's advice about the market. There are a lot of pros out there shaking their head and losing money on continual short bets. Jeff Saut isn't one of them but he has raised some cash by selling some recently when feeling it was historically, structurally, technically a good percentage bet. If I was young, I'd give the guy some of my money to handle through their mutual funds.

      Think Warren Buffet not inventing in tech in 1999.. Looked like a fool for a while, then looked darn smart when the bust came March 2000.
