Friday, June 14, 2013

Delete The Word Bipartisan From The Dictionary Please

  1. We have a 2 party system in the USA.
  2. If the two parties do not have opposing strategies then having 2 parties is useless and absurd. (It currently is absurd, but that's beside the point)
  3. The citizens should favor one party's platform over the other and the majority gives that party power to legislate and execute and judge for the term.  (yea, I know, we're talking the intent not the reality)
  4. If the citizens as a majority have proclaimed that party X should be in charge, then why in the HELL would they want that party working and compromising with party Y to ANY extent?
If they had a brain, they wouldn't.

Bipartisan is a stupid absurd kindergarten level mindset concept.  But then many citizens have that mindset, or we'd never hear the word bipartisan again. Ever.


  1. The Demos will take us straight to hell.
    The Repubos take the scenic route.
    Need to start a 3rd party w/PaulandCruz

    1. TSWS, Said another way, the repubs are the party of no ideas, and the dems are the party of incredibly bad ideas. True that. Evidence abounds for both ways of saying the last 13 years.

      Rand Paul? My personal opinion is he isn't anything more than lip service. He's just there to get a certain number of people voting republican. I absolutely agree 3rt party, that would be Allen West. Doesn't have a chance in hell of getting elected to anything. Not until the country has been destroyed and people start opening their minds to something other than the 2 parties that got us here - to hell.

      Thanks for dropping by.

    2. Wait, 13 years? more like 53 years

  2. It serves always to distract the public councils and feeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
    George Washington’s Farewell Address

    1. TSWS, Its strikes me the right thing to so is often the hard thing to do. Haw many out there are doing the hard things ?

  3. Prime example of why we should have party X, Y and Z.

    1. CI, I will only be voting for party Z going forward, and only IF a reasonable American candidate steps forward for party Z. And I'll add, no current politician fits that profile at present.

      I don't see a positive resolution any where near within my lifespan. I'll do what I can while I'm here....

    2. I vote for party Z, but agree that a perfect candidate doesn't yet exist anywhere. The Z nominee certainly never seems to be any worse than the two however.

  4. So you're opposed to the Republican's filibuster abuse? Me too. I wish we get rid of these obstructionist Republicans or at least reform the filibuster.
