Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Note That This Book Is For ALL Muslims

Not just your Radical islamic taliban people types.  All of them and they can't keep it in stock.  Imagine that.

A local bookstore has “sold out” of a controversial marriage guide that advises Muslim men on how to beat their wives.

The 160-page book, published by Idara Impex in New Delhi, India, is written by Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, who’s described in the book’s foreword as a “prolific writer on almost every topic of Islamic learning.”

The store’s manager, who didn’t give his name, said the book had been sold out for some time, and the store’s owner, whom the manager identified as Shamim Ahmad, refused to comment for the story.
It wasn’t clear whether the shop has ordered more copies of the book, but it’s available at online Islamic bookstores and even through eBay.

In the book’s opening pages, it is written that “it might be necessary to restrain her with strength or even to threaten her.”

Later, its author advises that “the husband should treat the wife with kindness and love, even if she tends to be stupid and slow sometimes.”


  1. For the average muslim family in 2012 and beyond. It makes you womder.

    1. Admiral, Sadly, it doesn't make me wonder at all. If Any muslims were vocal about their violence done in the name of their 'religion', I might wonder a little. As it is..

  2. they who say that islam is a religion of peace have NEVER read the koran- and the book you posted reveals the truth-sick people !!

    1. Carol-CS. Gee, all the USA would have to do is require that, to be recognized as a 'religion', you must follow basic human rights and islam would go up in a puff of smoke.

  3. Disgusting, but not surprising when you hear stories about the honor killings of their daughters and wives.

    1. TCL, Not surprising at all... as in "wake me up when a muslim, any muslim goes into serious opposition mode against the activists, sadists, violent among them."

      There is no such thing as a moderate muslim.
