Thursday, October 27, 2011

How Does Business Cat Feel About the Occupy People ?


Let's listen in on this recent staff meeting.



  1. Hey Kid - Business Cat has it right...but more then hairball's are coming up

  2. Deano, I love the business cat. He is one smart cookie.

  3. I love business Cat! He is so smart.
    He and his Kitteh pals can clean out their litterboxes and let the loons have the contents!

  4. Bunni, hahaha. yes I think the Business Cat may have quite a future.

  5. Obama owns the OWS movement. He has called for class warfare. These scum answered his call.

  6. Opus. Scum Can't win. Oggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm.

  7. Nothing worse than a hairball, except an occupier.

  8. Admiral, maybe they'll figure out the real enemy is the government.

  9. Long time Gene.. occupy them right to Siberia

  10. I feel something nastier than a hairball coming lol it's not the first time I've felt this way about freeloading Liberals though.

  11. And here we are, years later, and what's the result?

    Occupy is still around, and is viewed favorably by the majority of Americans. They've helped out with Sandy, continue to stage demonstrations and political events, and have put a spotlight on the extreme levels of wealth inequality in America, which now rivals that of third world developing nations. Indeed, it is partially because of Occupy that the country at large is now more aware of the fraud our banking institutions have been pulling under our noses, and the de-regulation which has occurred because of conservatives which enabled them to wreck the world economy.

    Meanwhile, the Tea Party is a national embarrassment that the country is sick of, as evidenced by polls all over. An embarrassment that the GOP would desperately love to get rid of (so it will stop losing them Senate and Presidential elections), but can't figure out quite how . The GOP has figured out, all too late, just what happens when you tie yourself to a band of astroturf billionaire-funded anti-intellectuals with no political future.

    It's good to be a progressive :)

    1. The occupy people are a collection of social misfits and criminally ignorant morons paid by the democrat party to collect a few additional losers.. At best. The majority of the country view them as trash to be taken out.

      The only people who support democrats are losers and morons, unwilling or unable to support themselves gainfully and need some do nothing job propped up by union leadership who steal their pension money and leave them high and dry when the time comes.

      Enjoy your life as a mushroom. Living in the dark growing in manure.
