Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lemme Get This Straight... LANGUAGE

It Took Years to get a plan approved to start building on the WTC site. The families of the victims were a big part of the approval process and much consideration was given to them and for the honoring and remembrance of the victims themselves.

Here's what's happening currently.

Now some fucking trash talking barbarian jihadist imam wants to build a celebration center for our enemy as close to the site of this massacre as is humanly possible and Bloomberg and the fuckers in New York say - Oh, Ok, Sure, with NO input from the 911 victims or their families.   I also believe the commission in place to approve the plan was paid off with 30 pieces of silver.  Rot in hell you worthless pieces of shit.


  1. If Islam was a normal religion, I'd say they deserve their freedoms, etc. But they are not. Islam is a political system, a social system and it is centered on subjugation of enemies and adherents. Islam means submission. Not peace. No. They are trained as terrorists by the teachings of the Koran.

  2. Ain't it the truth. But try to get that church rebuilt (St Nicholas) which was destroyed by the collapse of the WTC and you'd think you were crapping in the mouths of the Port Authority. But a heathen mosque - it's a go. I'm surprised the PA is not out at the site with pickaxes and shovels and sblueprints. Gotta be a ton of cash changing hands for something to move that fast. That's always the case in a big city.

  3. this is Islam's 'finger in our eye'--they are laughing at our appeasing/bowing 'elected servants' now our 'royals'...

  4. The whole thing is depressing. Opportunities lost.

  5. Opus, Yes, the Koran is a blueprint for conquest with plenty sadism and self gratification tossed in.

  6. Carol-CS, It's a wonder how they can keep from dying laughing with Bozo brigade at the helm.

  7. Admiral, Well, we can hope the union workers who are getting the folks to take a vow not to work on that thing have great success.

    NY is most definitely a union shop and it won't be easy getting arabs in there to build it.

  8. Now some fucking trash talking barbarian jihadist imam wants to build a celebration center for our enemy as close to the site of this massacre as is humanly possible and Bloomberg and the fuckers in New York say - Oh, Ok, Sure, with NO input from the 911 victims or their families.

    Wow. You are an angry and bitter man. I hope you get help with that.

    In the meantime, whatever your frenzied emotional state might make you feel like, we have freedom of religion in this nation. We aren't going to undo this basic American value just because some people don't understand the difference between Timothy McVeigh and All Christendom.

    Just because SOME Muslims were involved in 9/11, does not mean that ALL Muslims were. Obviously.

    I pray that you get some rest, some peace of mind, brother. Seriously.

  9. Thanks for the well wishes Dan.

    But I simply scribed a sane cognizant appraisal of the situation. Without anger or bitterness.

    Too bad we can't all live in your Shirley Temple Good Ship Lollipop world, because then we'd all be dead at the hands of predators and conquerors like the Muslims.

    It's not a religion. The Koran is a blueprint for conquest and domination.

    Two parting thoughts.
    1. Grow up.
    2. Learn some history/educate yourself before you go prancing around the internet trying to insult people.

  10. Well done Kid.

    I need to hire you to handle my trolls.

  11. Admiral. Donke Shein. I'd be glad to help. Give me the nod if it gets too thick.

  12. Define troll.

    Does it involve asking reasonable questions? Like: Are you suggesting we undo our Constitution in order to stop people from exercising their freedom of religion? If so, I would suggest you're in the wrong country, that won't fly here.

    because then we'd all be dead at the hands of predators and conquerors like the Muslims.

    Yeah, yeah, fear and trembling. Bogey men are going to get you if you don't watch out. Scaryyyy...

    Grow up, indeed, kid. I guess your name is reflecting your age and security level?

    It's not a religion. The Koran is a blueprint for conquest and domination.

    And you are an expert on religion? What definition of religion are you using? Because Islam IS a religion by all standard English definitions.

    Are you suggesting that we place some anonymous blogger in charge of deciding who does and doesn't get to exercise freedom of religion?

    I'm quite serious: What grounds would you have for opposing this constitutional right? Are you opposing our Constitution? Capitalism? Are you suggesting fascism and communism, instead, where the State gets to decide who can and can't build when and where?

    Doesn't sound very conservative to me.

    I'm guessing you'll leave my questions unanswered?

  13. Islam means submission. Not peace. No. They are trained as terrorists by the teachings of the Koran.

    Do you all live in fear and trembling all the time, or is this only since 9/11? You sound like children wetting your pants over scary monsters that exist under your beds.

    How many Muslims do you know? How much of the Koran have you studied? How many Muslim writers have you studied?

    I'm guessing your fear is 99% a by-product of complete ignorance, but you tell me.

  14. First off, Yes, your questions are those of a child and I'm not playing.

    Let me ask you. Do you have something valuable to add to the discussion?

    More to the point, do you have something New to add to the discussion?

    Otherwise, you are simply exhibiting the traits of a spoiled 3 year old brat who wants a cookie.

    You say the same things over and over. As if you say them often enough they will somehow become true. It exactly like the 3 year old who wants some cookies before bedtime. Mom or dad carefully explains why you shouldn't and can't have cookies before bedtime, but you, obsessed with the cookies, let all that shit go in one ear and out the other and at the end of your parents patient explanation simply continue to squeal for cookies.

    So, do you have something new to offer. ?

  15. Just what I've come with: a reasonable question that you have thus far been unable to answer - on what basis would you stop free Americans from using capitalistic tools to buy and build a religious building to express their freedom of worship?

    What part of our Constitution and way of life are you trying to toss out, because from over here in Rational Land, that's what it sounds like you're proposing. I doubt that you are actually proposing that we get rid of our Constitution, and so I ask a clarifying question.

    It's how adults have conversations, son.

    How old are you, anyway?

  16. Dan are you really willing to commit to treason? It sounds like it- when you try to defend the "Religion of peace through submission". And I doubt you really understand the Bible all that much. Most don't; that use their credentials to try and one up someone.
    If you do--tell me why Stephen was stoned to death. The word blasphemy isn't enough. There is a reason he ticked off the stone throwers- what is it?
    If you know that, then you will answer your own question-why do the American people want to block the enemies shrine of victory?!

  17. Why not humor me and just provide a rational reason stated plainly.

    Stephen was killed for preaching the gospel in front of a bunch of religious zealots who had no patience for hearing any truths but the truths they wanted to hear.

    Not unlike some here.

    What is wrong with you all? There are all sorts of Muslims. Peaceable ones, violent ones, crazy ones, reasonable ones.

    Just like there are all kinds of Christians.

    Do you know any Muslims personally?

    Again, I have to say two things:

    1. It sounds like you all are basing your prejudices on arrogant ignorance - that you know nothing about Muslims except what Rush Limbaugh tells you. This ignorance has you all living in fear of shadows. Break free of your fears people.

    2. That you all are willing to undo our Constitution in order to support your irrational fears.

    We DO have freedom of religion in our nation, and that is a good thing.

    Islam IS a religion.

    You all are not the ones who get to decide who does and doesn't get to enjoy freedom of religion.

    You know what? I've about decided that this site is a gag - a put on. No one is really this irrational and scared, right?

  18. Like I said if you know why Stephen was stoned, this answer is not even close. You sir are not even close.
    I doubt if you are even who you say your are.
    Stephen was telling the group the gospel, but he touched on...Like I said if you know the answer to this, you will answer your own question.

    Most Muslim are not the lofty ones, they like so many Christians don't know their bible or Koran; are told what it says only by their Preacher or religious leader.
    That is who is behind the Shrine of Victory, Not the average arab.
    The Teacher(s) of the Koran are Political Rulers!!!!

  19. Dan:

    You are defining what a comment troll is and does.

  20. This is just weird.

    I doubt if you are even who you say your are.

    Said the anonymous blogger. My name is Dan Trabue, just as I've identified myself. You can visit my blog and see all about me, if you were so inclined. You can google my name and see that I'm from Louisville, KY - where I've lived all my life, where I grew up at Victory Memorial Baptist Church in Louisville's south end, where I attend church now at Jeff St Baptist in downtown Louisville.

    I am quite transparent in who I am. No false names, no hidden agendas. What would make you make such a random guess?

    Like I said if you know why Stephen was stoned, this answer is not even close. You sir are not even close.

    Stephen's stoning is detailed in the 6th and 7th chapters of the book of Acts and it happens to be one of my favorite stories in the Bible.

    He preaches the story of Jesus to a bunch of Jewish religious folk...

    Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called)—Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia. These men began to argue with Stephen

    They didn't like what he was saying so they charged him with a religious crime...

    So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. [a Jewish Court, as I understand it... dt]

    ...Where Stephen pointed to them as contributing to the death of the very Son of God...

    You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit!

    They didn't like it. They stoned him to death.

    What part of the story did I get wrong when I summed it up as "he preached the gospel to a bunch of zealots..."? That seems like a fair summary to me.

    Are you all putting me on? This is just a weird conversation...

  21. There is a reason why Stephen was charged. Not for teaching the gospel of JC; like I said you are not who you say you are. He said the real Torah and they did not like what he said about it for there was something in what he said that caused them to stone him. They wanted to stone Jesus for the same thing, and they did stone Paul for the same thing- John the Baptist was not stoned because he was a ...
    Like I said if you can answer this, you will answer your own question.
    From your other comments it is clear you don't get it. Stephen did not tell the Sadducee/Pharisee/Essenes/Sanhedrin the Gospel of JC they knew about JC and the Death/On the cross-- that was a symbol you most likely don't know as well.
    They were a new sect. Who followed the Sadducees and Pharisees version of the Law; that Jesus criticized them for.
    I'll give you a hint. Jesus said it at the Mount of Olives, and they (ALL) wanted Jesus to retract it. But the crowd kept on saying it, that is what made these uppity sect want to stone Stephen.
    This is the reason the Muslims want to RULE OR kill all Jews and Christian--FACT.
    Yaser AraFAT said, FIRST the SATURDAY People, then the SUNDAY People!

  22. They Say, Yes, you've got to be living under a rock to not know what the Koran is about and that virtually all muslim leaders preach and practice this 3rd century barbarism yet today. The shites and Sunnis kill and brutalize each other because they're a slightly different flavor of islam. It's ludicrous that anyone thinks otherwise.

    Here's another poll. 100% of muslims say islam is a religion of peace while they kill and main each other and non-muslims based entirely on the content of the koran.

    I see they killed a team of missionaries in Afghanistan for preaching Christianity. A suicide mission btw in A-stan.

  23. Get help, you people. Pray. Rest. Move on with your lives.

    Life's too short to be so fearful and hate-filled.

    Since there is no interest in conversation here, I'll leave you all to your fears and rants, but I pray for you to find some peace and grace.

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