Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Defining the Obama Whitehouse, Past, Present and Future

A friend of mine recently tuned me into this particular and potential realization. Obama and Michelle really are a couple black folks moving on up to the East Side, acting just like dictators of a 3rd world banana republic.

They simply don't know how else to act.  They're winging it and don't have a clue.  They're Classless.  Comparing them to the Jeffersons would be an insult to the Jeffersons.

They laugh at the poor, flip the bird at their opposition, gratify themselves at all possible opportunities and shovel hard earned tax revenue to their friends like popcorn.

The majority of their activities have been and will continue to be:

  • Read from the teleprompter when instructed.

  • Blame Bush for everything

  • Go on vacation, play golf

  • Get some socialist/soft communist legislation passed with the idiot pelosi carrying most of the load. When it becomes necessary, take the cry baby Kucinich up in Air Force One and 'convince' him to vote your way.

  • Go on vacation, play golf

  • Read from the teleprompter when instructed.

  • Have celebrities, artists, and other self gratification events over to the White House.
  • Have a classless homosexual comedian over to the party for the Press and laugh like a  classless idiot when she mentions she'd like to see Rush get Kidney disease and die.
  • Shuffle the Prime Minister, his Wife, and kids out the back door with DVDs that won't play in Europe and a $8.22 in plastic Air Force One helicopter gifts from the White House Gift Shop.

    • Blame Bush for everything

    • Go out and Garden. In the Sun. In Dark Disco Clothes.

    • Sport some $540.00 Tennies

    • Read from the teleprompter when instructed.  At a freakin Grade School

    • Go and clutch the Queen, totally ignorant of English Royalty Protocol

    • Promise to "Find someone's ass to kick at the first real ecological crisis in America", otherwise stand in the way of activities which may have actually been useful in the oil cleanup.
    •  Exhausted, head out on vacation and play some golf.

      I think that about covers it.

      Banana Republic Modus Operandi. Plain and Simple.

      I'll bet Hugo Chaves is proud of his trainee



      1. Almost like the "Beverly Hill Billys' when Uncle Jed marvels over that 'SEE-ment pond' (swimming pool), and of course, the 'fancy eatin' table (billiards table).'

        Now that Barack-Bob and the missus are eatin' on those hoity-toity white house china plates, might as well eat fancy.

        Pass the caviar, now, y'hear?

      2. That's right, don't slam the Jefferson's - Fred was always trying to grow his business and my Grandpa loved that show - Oh and somewhere in this post - shouldn't there be some golf pictures? I like it

      3. "Go out and Garden. In the Sun. In Dark Disco Clothes."

        Who does not do this?

      4. KiD! I love this post, it's so funny, but also true.
        The Jefferson and the Bev. Hillbillies had class, these peasants have NONE!

        You & your friend are spot on in your analysis of these 3rd world dictators.

      5. Fredd, yes, can you imagine the dinner conversation?

      6. DeanO, Yes, since he's played golf 40-50 times now in a year and a half, the golfing pictures are definitely under-represented.

      7. Opus, at least the commies do it with some class and without teleprompters :)

      8. Thanks Admiral, at the risk... I agree !

      9. Kid:

        'The conversation at the fancy eatin' table twixt Barack-Bob and Ellie-Moochelle....'

        You're setting me up, right? This would be simply too juicy, I think I'll pass.

        Uncle Fredd-Bob

      10. Fredd, I would never set you up. Actually, it was a rhetorical question.

        I think most of us can imagine the dinner convo
