Monday, June 14, 2010

Now This is something to be Concerned About.

The Red Rectangle Nebula.

Though it does lie about 2300 light years away in the direction of the constellation of the Unicorn, it may one day provide the power that the dust bunnies for brains liberals so crave, finally ridding us of this awful filthy dirty greedy dastardly crude oil.

If we can only learn the secrets of how to tap into its power.


  1. wouldn't it be fabulous as an oil painting!!

    AWA a potential scientific marvel...

  2. I'm sure some environmental group will object.

  3. It looks more like a bow tie. The Bow Tie nebula. Don't worry, environmentalists will come up with a reason why we shouldn't use that as a powersource. Nothing short of stone aged living will make them happy. Stone aged living for us, mind you. Not them. Just ask Al Gore.

  4. CS, Yes, it would. I used to oil paint as well as engage in a variety of drawing type arts. It's been a while. I look to pick it back up in retirement.

  5. Trestin, Surely there are inter-steller prairie dogs who would be harmed in the process, so I guess this idea is DOA

  6. Arby, I find myself disagreeing with many of the named cosmic arrangements.

    And no doubt, the libs would love to truly turn us into a cattle ranch.

  7. It says it will burn out of fuel and sink into the state of planet nebula? Well, why can't we just fire off some shipments of Progressives hubris, egotism and Obamamania? It will keep the star burning for another millennium, at least!
