Saturday, March 6, 2010

Best of LOLCAT

These are two of our kitties. The one on the left is Big Bear and is not with us anymore - genetic liver disease. The one on the right is Little Bear (aka Gangsta Boy) and is still with us. He thinks he's a dog as he hangs with our two dogs, and uses the other cats as pet toys. He even uses the dogs as pet toys.


  1. I had a black cat when I was a kid. My dad, being my dad, named him Abdul but I didn't like it so we changed it to Sprout because he had little tiny white sprouts of hair all over. But they didn't last long, so we finally settle for Happy, because he was the happiest cat ever. We could carry that thing upside down, on our shoulders, he didn't give a damn. He was just the best. We had to put him down at about age 13 because he started having these awful seizures. I haven't had a cat since, and don't plan on getting one.

  2. ;-]
    Little Bear has 8 white hairs sticking randomly out of his chest. He looks like an Italian hitman..

    You can do anything to this guy too. Clip his claws, he don't care.
    He likes me to toss a towel over him on the bed and rough him up and tickle him. I swear you can hear him laughing.

  3. We are taking care of the mother-in-law's cat for the last few months while she recuperates from a fall. 'Patches' goes back to Nana in a week, and we have grown so fond of this animal, when that day comes it's gonna be tough on us, especially our 8 year old.

  4. Fredd, they sure grow on you with their personalities and playfulness.
    Ours are like our kids.

  5. Hi Kid, Your Kitties are just too adorable. Big Bear is in heaven now, watching over you. Little Bear looks like a whole lot of fun! You and the family are very lucky to have such sweeties to love. I hope Webster is doing better. Enjoy your Sunday Night.

  6. Bunni, same to you. Yes, Little Bear is a Riot from morning to night.

    We're getting Webster a wheelchair. I'll take a pic when we've got him out in it in a week or so. He's shown some small improvements, wag the tail a little and seems to put a 'little' weight on his back legs, but we're not sure if that's recovery or just muscle reaction that's not intentional. If he gets back to 4 legs now, it's going to be a year or so based on all the information that's out there. Anyway, thanks for stopping by.

    I hope each day for you is a better one.

  7. Arby, we've got more too. heheh

  8. Thanks Chris. Best to you and yours.

  9. too cute! must be something about black cats. we have one too and my girl would dress her up and stroll her around in the stroller and she just sat there with her back feet sticking up. sorry you lost your big bear :(

  10. Labcat, Thanks. I think black cats are unique. Strong personalities, playful, etc. We've lost a number of cats, especially when we were fostering for the shelter, but it comes with the territory. I'm happy to have them and take care of them while they're here. None of us last forever on this rock.
