Saturday, June 29, 2019

Well, DUH !

Click the image to read the description of how this image somehow made it to your computer monitor from some of the most violent areas of Space and Time.

Subsequently realize what dorkified dipsticks the TDS and climate obsessed people are.


  1. Replies
    1. Ed, No man, that is American Spirit, Red, White, and Blue, Dancing in Deep Space, about to quell the liberal (communist) uprising in one fell swoop by nominating the incompetent POS Biden the Groper as their shot at the White House. The magnetic fields of this movement outweigh the communist thrust by at least 188 trillion megawhat super conductors, transgender, tattooed beyond recognition of human origin, and otherwise. There's more of course.

    2. Um. WHAT?!! I think there IS some orange hair in the top of that image...scary :-)

    3. All Misdirection Ms Z. Fake News. Texas Tea Dontcha Know.

    4. Everything is a Rorschach test. Especially lately.

  2. That looks like my doodles (I doodle at any meeting I attend to keep my focus.)

    1. Adrienne, I haven't been in a meeting in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Though it was fun to play Bull Shit Bingo at them.

    2. There's a Battleship app for Android.
      That can get embarrassing in a meeting when someone get's sunk.

  3. I thought that it might have been a reaction from the so called Dem "debates." --- at least it looked about like my head that was spinning big time.

    1. Thankfully, I didn't watch Bunkerville. Nor will I ever. It's bothersome enough to have some of them in the memes on my right sidebar! :)
