Sunday, April 21, 2019

I like Coronal Mass Ejections

Click the picture to know what I'm talking about.


  1. WOWZIR! That is SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL, isn't it!!! I clicked and still don't get it, but I'm sure it's just ME :-)

    1. Z, Charged particles sent from the Sun toward the Earth result in the manifestation of colors (usually green and purple) at the magnetic poles of the Earth. Kinda like when that boy who sat behind you in English class in 2nd grade found you beautiful beyond belief and almost passed out at the thought.

  2. It might be beautiful, but it seems to be rather deadly.

    Sort of off topic, but last night about 1:00 am (didn't get out of church until 12:15) it was very foggy. The moon had a double ring around it with the color between the rings sort of green and the edges bright orange. I've seen many lunar coronas, but never one quite like this one. If this link works, this is sort of how it looked except except the one last night had very sharp edges and the moon was very visible.

    1. Adrienne, thank you. That's a beauty. I've never seen the moon like that. Maybe a double ring but no color(s).

  3. Most people think of our planet as a place to live. Yeah, that’s true. It’s also our spaceship. Space is a hostile place for living organisms. If we ever get there, we’ll need a self-contained environment, or we won’t be “there” very long. This is why I think all Democrats should go to Uranus. Yesterday is soon enough.

    1. Space is extremely hostile. Changes your DNA, damages your eyes bones and muscles, then there is the radiation. and no breathable atmosphere in sight. There are 100,000 people signed up that want a one way ticket to Mars. Well, there 's 100,000 complete morons. I've seen the travel brochures and no thanks. Terraforming? Please. Maybe over the span of a million years.

      Can't even make pizza there. Everything has to be shipped in. Think Hawaii is expensive?
