Sunday, August 26, 2018

A Little Smile


  1. WOW! That's VERY clever, and extremely well done, but what chamce do ANY of US have pitted against Technology so powerful it can ITERALLY put words in our mouths?

    Wait till you see the videos sure to come up at Trump's SHOW TRIAL when they drag him out of the White House by his feet to IMPEACH him on the Capitol Steps!

    Before it's all over I'll bet we'll see MELANIA telling the world what a crook and a liar her husband is, that he hates America, never pays his taxes and what a lousy husband he's been since Day One, –– Then she'll say he's a fat ugly gas bag who's no good in bed, is probably a Closet Quean, and that BARRON is really the son of MICHAEL COHEN!

    Watch for it! It's coming soon to PMSNBC.

    1. That seems a bit too obvious but it would not surprise me.

    2. Well I was trying to be funny, but I don't have your talent for it, Kid.

      Anyway, real life seems too much like satire these days anyway, so the most outlandish scenarios seem plausible now.

      Frankly NOTHING would surprise me anymore. It's a little scary, ain't it?

    3. Franco, especially in light of the fact that was is accepted by this generation will be embraced by the next.

  2. Video well done. Good find, Kid.

    1. Mustang, We can have the funny. We must have the funny. We will have the funny. :)

  3. that really IS good, Kid, thanks! Loved it! (read my lips!)

  4. Haha! I like the twist with this video projecting the reporters as more intelligent than in real life.

  5. Love it!

    Honestly, I don't know how she goes into the den of Enemedia day after day.

    1. AOW, I guess it's why they generally don't last long in that job.

      She is a tough lady though.

    2. The lady has BALLS, AOW, which is more than I could say for Mr.Trump's predecessors starting with George H.W. Bush.

    3. Franco, I was thinking of asking her out until you said she has balls. Did she also have an addadictomy? Damn. Is there no peace on this Earth.

    4. Would you really, Kid, –– ask her out, I mean, if the circumstances were right? She's not my type –– a little too hefty frankly, but I do TRUST her. Got good judgment, and she's on the RGHT side of the issues.

      Too bad she takes after her Old Man when it comes to her appearance! I've always liked HiM a lot. Do you feel that way too about Mike Huckabee?

    5. Franco, I have no romantic interest in Mike for sure :) But who knows on the lady, I've never met her.

  6. I don't feel the love...I'll leave it at that. Still waiting for the press to ask an intelligent question. Are people really accepting this as real media coverage of the news?

    1. Bunkerville, I believe too many people are. To categorize them - the type that get their news from late night TV. I don't believe they are the majority though. I believe Nov 18 is going to shock them.

  7. I thought it was funny 'cause, unlike democrats, I can take a joke.

    1. Cube, they Can't take a joke can they anymore? Sure does double damn seem like the libs are Constantly Angry which I'll take pleasure from, because I let very little spoil my mood and when it does, it sure isn't for long.
