Sunday, July 9, 2017


We are searching.

We are searching for Love
We are searching for Peace
We are searching for Justice
We are searching for Honesty
We are searching for Harmony
We are searching for the Pursuit of Happiness for All
We are searching for Ecstasy
We are searching for Excellence
We are searching for Companionship
We are searching for Acceptance
We are searching for Intelligence
We are searching for Progress
We are searching for Better Lives for All
We are searching for the Elimination of Evil
We are searching for More Tunes From Joe Satriani.

Searching, we will always be searching.


  1. Terrific post, Kid....very nice music, excellent list.

  2. All I'm usually searching for are my car keys. Elimination of evil? Not going to happen. And not to sound too nasty but I really only care about my happiness and my own better life. I do care about those things for my friends - like you, though.

  3. Adrienne, well the post was pretty pie in the sky, on a par with maybe John Lennon's Imagine, but I do think if more people were happier, living good lives, there would be a lot less evil in the world. Right, Not going to get there. I challenge anyone including myself to come up with a positive for mankind's future.

    Car Keys. every time you set them down, send me an email telling me where then you can ask me where they are :-) Well, if I didn't put things in the EXACT same spot EVERY time, I'd spend all my time looking for stuff!
