Thursday, January 26, 2017

Things Donald J Trump Can Do To Bring the Libtards To His Side

Invite Oprah to the White House. When she arrives, she and President Trump retire to a secret chamber where David Duke is strapped to a table and the two of them water board him while wearing pussy hats until he repeatedly screams "I LOVE AL SHARPTON!"

Put out a fake news story that Madonna will replace Jeff Sessions as Attorney General..

Sign an Executive Order stating that all Americans are required to get multi-colored tattoos on exposed body areas and dye their hair neon red and/or green and/or purple and have a video recorded of them having a homosexual experience and posted on the internet.

Actively seek to immigrate ISIS members into America.

Sign an Executive Order transferring billions of dollars in funding from the VA hospitals to CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS and select propaganda rags such as WaPo and the New York Daily News.

Sign an Executive Order transferring all social security funds directed to 'old angry white guys' into a lock box to be used for combating climate change.

Throw the doors to all prisons in the US wide open.

Sign an Executive Order requiring all police persons to be black folks.
Attach an amendment requiring the immediate import of 8 million black folks from Kenya, Somolia, Nigeria, and the Sudan because we don't have enough black folks.

Buy sandra fluke a lifetime supply of condoms.  (It's probably only going to be like one box of the small size..)

Trump can get the Mexican president to pay for the wall by telling him he will build the wall on Mexico's side.

Oh, and the images on the right sidebar have been updated.  Another hat tip to IMP


  1. LOL and---love the M & M side bar

  2. BRAVO ZULU! Do you mind if I forward this on duly attributed, of course,?

    1. JonBerg, I'm flattered. And my content is always free of charge with or without attribution. Thanks.

    2. All that money I've been sending you?
      I thought their was a subscriber fee?

    3. Ed, My comment to JonBerg was fake news. Don't stop sending the $$$.

    4. Oh good. I was afraid I was spending my money unnecessarily.

    5. Ed, I'm sending all donations to terrorist organizations. Your money is well spent.

  3. Naw, Trump doesn't need to do any of that stuff above. All he needs to do is keep doing what he's doing and pretty soon the liberals will be howling 'no more winning, we are sick and tired of winning! We want Barry back, because we miss all of the losing we had going on with him.' Or something like that.

    1. Fredd, Once again a valid focus. Libtards as Losers. You're a genius.

  4. Ha! Good one Fredd! ANd I like what you've done to the place, Kid. Now if I could somehow remove that visual of your first idea that was seared like a laser into my mind. Words can hurt, Kid!

    1. DaBlade - Dang, sorry for the damaging image. Try some a dis

    2. I got to the 2 and a half minute mark... when does he stop tuning his guitar? JK! Very nice. I wish I could do that.

    3. He tunes it 4 times while playing This one

      Those double harmonics are very difficult. I can't do it.

  5. They all sound about right. As for the wall---I oppose it. I would opt out in favor of an invasion and annexation of all Mexican lands within 1 mile of the U.S. border and cultivate them with Army surplus land mines, since the military is no longer permitted to use such inhumane devices for fear they would kill or injure someone.

    1. Ha....I'm with Ron on his idea...hell we might as well either seize their lands since they've seized and installed libtarded assholes into governors, mayors and anarchist, law breaking , oath breaking lying pieces of shit ...and hoping that Trump sends in the US Marshalls to serve these illegal loving criminal scumbags with indictments and arrest warrants for defying the law. And sorry...I'd trade all of California if they'd all move out of the other 49 states and leave us the hell alone. And make Governor MoonBeam the de facto El Presidente of Mexico.

    2. Ron, the idea has merit. But we're talking 1700 miles of border ? Lottta land mines.

      I think the area should simply be declared a free fire zone, and US citizens with 44 Magnums, 308 hunting rifles, 50 Cals and other WMDs should be allowed to peruse the border with the option of shooting anyone coming over or under the fence.

    3. IMP, Pilots such as yourself should also be given the opportunity to win a lottery type event that gives you X amount of airtime and X amount of ammo in an A-10 to patrol the border and Light It Up as it were.

  6. "Trump can get the Mexican president to pay for the wall by telling him he will build the wall on Mexico's side." HAAAA! I am ROARING with laughter!
    This is TERRIFIC, Kid! ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I could go for that Kid. Could I take my Thompson Contender with the 30-30 barrel?

    1. Just happened to think---what if they are waiving a white flag?

    2. Ron, Hell Yea. I'm taking my Marlin 30-30.

    3. Ron, White Flag. Have you seen the movie The Hombre? Paul Newman. Good one.

    4. Yea Kid, I did see the movie. However the one that does stand out with me was the old version of War and Peace. A Russian colonel was nipping at the heels of Napoleons grand army as he retreated from Moscow. When presented with a group of captured French soldiers by a subordinate he was asked what to do with the prisoners. His reply was simply and to the point, "shoot them ---- war is not a game, and if more leaders would realize this there would be fewer wars." There does come a time when that "white flag" should not be honored for the sake of those that come after the guns are silent. Sorry, didn't mean to lay bear my extremist views. But then I was a Goldwater supporter in 1964, and recall one phrase the great man spoke that year: "extremism in pursuit of liberty is no vice and moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue. Those words were burned into my psychic and will remain until, as Tennyson said in perhaps his greatest poem, until I have crossed the bar. Didn't mean to ramble on, but the night is young and I ran out of whiskey!

    5. I agree Ron. Sometimes white flags don't solve anything for those being abused.

  8. @Ron,

    I have a Thompson .45 ACP. Please don't tell.

  9. Even if all these measures were implemented -- God forbid! -- the Left would still not be satisfied.

    The Left is NEVER satisfied.

    1. AOW, You're right, they are never satisfied. Ever. Then what 3 year old brat is.

  10. If this doesn't go viral, we'll know that net communication really is micromanaged by The Oligarchs.

    I laughed myself silly –– at first –– but then I started bawling, because it's all MUCH TOO CLOSE to the TRUTH.

    Kid, you oculd make a mint dong standup with material this good.

    1. FT, It is close to the truth. haha Thanks. !
