Friday, November 8, 2013

American Politicians Are In the News Way Too Much.

Maybe some other countries too, but who cares about those...

Congress (and those who control it) has evolved from a meet when necessary group to a micro-managing pack of information and power hungry morons.

Why is this? Politicians are afraid of us. They are insecure in their position. It's why they shower us with [false] information about themselves and constant whining about their political adversaries.

Has anyone noticed the volume of news dedicated to politics? Seems like at least 80% if you remove the serious garbage like Entertainment, Sports and Health.
In my opinion, and the opinion of other experts, the % of news dedicated to politics should be about 5%, a little more around elections.

It's like we're being forced to watch constant kindergarten playground wars which are being reported on by day care center inhabitants.


  1. Yea, it's all about me-says the ego of the Politician.
    Some you could not run out of office with evidence of
    a sex scandal or Wall Street Insider Trading Scandal.
    Oh, that has already be the case. NO SHAMING the criminally Insane.

    1. Deep down politicians realize they have little value to the country, so they hype themselves all day long. It's either real or it's hype, which describes oBama.

  2. I believe all who want to be or are politicos have varying degrees of the mental disorder known as Narcissism. Greed also plays a factor and by using the limelight (news coverage) they can advertise themselves to lobbyists who in turn hand over cash.

    I have no idea when it occurred (late 1700's - early 1800's), but when the very first lobbyist entered D.C. and made a payment it was at that point we started to lose our nation.

    1. Christopher, I believe the vast majority are in it for themselves. They're there to score. Maybe there are one or two that would like to do the right thing but not enough to have any effect.

  3. have you noticed how, when the politician's being interviewed, the interviewer cuts in to ask something on the tail of the politician's point and the politician just talks LOUDER?... They don't STOP. They know they're THE BIG POLITICIAN and I frequently notice it's like a kind of noblesse oblige.............."I AM TALKING." man...........the hubris!

    1. Z, yes exactly. They've completely lost their place and enough people have accepted it.

  4. "Congress has to meet at least twice in their two year term, at least once a year.
    Article I, Section IV of the Constitution states that Congress meets once a year in December;"

    The above is the original intent--now-they - the THEY are around all of the time---
    So-you are right=they are too -too!!
    I can say no more--make them go away except for their day--

    Did I really rhyme...

    1. Carol-CS, you area natural artist. And I agree of course.

  5. Kid, as a recovering sports-aholic yourself, have you noticed that election day coverage in presidential elections, and mid term elections resemble the Super Bowl? I watch like a zombie, moaning every projected Democratic seat pick up or retention, and cheering every GOP seat grabbed.

    And then yelling at the TV watching correspondents' interviews during exit polls, screaming 'reverse!' or 'fake punt!!!' Or 'fumble-roosky!"

    1. Fredd, Yes the election stuff is like a super bowl, but I never watch. Good point btw - how the media people get SO geeked up about the stuff. It's like it is their finest hour. I think that reveals something.

      False Start 89 ! Off Sides 22 ! Facemask oBAMa !

  6. All this news coverage -- politics, politics, politics -- isn't helping the state of our souls and minds.

    Constant crisis all the time!

    The interspersing stories along the lines of Honey Boo Boo are even worse.

    I learned that when my recent eye surgery forced me not to know "everything" going on that I was healthier mentally.

    Just sayin'.

    1. Thank you, AOW. You saved me a lot of time (and thought) with your comment. I know what ya mean!

    2. Let's try this again....

      AOW, it's the only thing that keeps me sane. I haven't watched "news" on TV for over a couple decades. I scan the news on the Web at work. Never at home. Somehow I stay informed and a lot more sane. Seriously, I'm informally counseling my retired lunch buddies who are ultra-Conservative (only way to be) to not concentrate on these vermin. Because It WILL make you unhealthy.

      I will take the few opportunities I get to change it. Vote, try to influence a young mind to at least consider both sides, and that's about it. We can't change the rest of it. We can have some Big Time FUN though !


      It's why I don't listen to talk radio either. Who wants to hear about pelosi or the hildebeast all freakin day.

      There is a sign on my forehead. No Free Rent Space to Vermin !

    3. M4E, Ditto comment to AOW.

  7. Hmmm... I got one of those PostIt notes stuck to my forehead, too, Kid. Mine just says, "Huh?" (ya got to have something to work with to begin with.)

    1. M4E. Ok, I admit it mine says HUH on occasion also. Lol.
