Thursday, July 12, 2012

It's Time to Build Thorium/Molten Salt Reactors

Completely safe.  Incredibly inexpensive. Reactor consumes 99% of its fuel.

We built one in the 1960's and didn't proceed because the fuel could not be used to make weapons.

Here is the shortest, most informative video I could find.


  1. Wow, that went so fast. But if this is true, then the only reasosn why we're not exploring this nuclear option is greed. Vested interests fighting to stay on the public teat and politicians more interested in getting campaign contributions from worthless "green" energy initiatives.

    1. Sig, I'd say you have the right read on it. There is No reason we shouldn't be doing this. We can make weapons grade fuel if we need to without tying it to energy. This makes so much sense that if we started doing it, it would have the added benefit of making all the libtards spontaneously combust.

  2. I'm for anything that helps us take care of the Earth while taking care of ourselves. This is interesting.

    1. Opus, that's exactly what it would do too.

  3. Well, THAT was fascinating....(more than Mad, Mad, Mad...? :-) (I hope not!)
    I don't get this, but if you like it, I like it !! What I DO understand makes me wonder WHY AREN"T WE DOING THIS?

    1. Z, There is No credible reason we shouldn't be doing this. Put them all over the country and strengthen the electric grid to boot.

      It IS a Mad, Mad Mad Mad WORLD !

      I'd have to think Sig has it. Some group(s) are making a lot of money not doing it/doing something else.

  4. No wockets??? No good!!!-KIM Jong Un, The Justin Bieber of Norf Korea

    1. Hello Mr Bliebers! Fix dat place up over there Please !
      Den I brings da wockets !

    2. Dat was me Gene. I was in my N Korean secret agent attire !

  5. We won't do anything innovative unless we get rid of that moron in the WH.
    Also, I think sig is onto it. Some things they don't want to do, because of the money factor.
    Have a fun weekend, Kid.

    1. Got that right Bunnikins !

      Yes, many destructive influences out there in government-land.

    2. PS, we're finally getting some rain. But that's a good thing currently.

  6. WOW-thanks Kid--I always had a feeling that there was a safe alternate fuel source that was hidden from us in the US...

    love the humorous take on salts- 'They are happy being what they are."
    and -
    let's start a push to use THORIUM!!!!! we could' sell' it as- 'protecting our environment' and 'for our own good'
    sad that the reason it is not being utilized is because of the military-industrial complex- or 'follow the money'...\


    1. Carol-CS. My thoughts Exactly. And this is nothing new. It's proven.

      Anyway, Yea, let's make it a campaign issue someday. :)

  7. BTW-will 'swipe' this to get the word out- later on this week---
    Trying to 'back off' a bit - my mind gets into such a roil when I read the blogs ---
    I get GRRRRRR yyy-

    1. Carol-CS, Please do. And I agree. Yest reading 'the news' is 20 times worse.

  8. You have to remember that this has nothing to do with Democrats/socialist or Republicans because the technology stifled through greed is the energy industry itself. You cannot power an automobile with a "salt core" and you cannot charge through the nose for electricty because it is so cheap. No, plain and simple it is because of (as socialists like to use the next term)big oil and their financial empire.

    Just think about all of the residual bennies financially speaking that comes with "Texas tee":

    Middle Eastern companies use their profits to fund Islamic Fundamentalists. In response, the companies in business to provide weapon systems, and ammunition and anything military make gazillions because of conflict.

    It is a never ending cycle of money making. I hate to say it but it is the "evil side" of capitalism.

    If a "salt reactor" were to come to market then all of those residual conflict cash machines would come to an end as the "alternative" energy would be cheap and easily accessible to all.

    1. Rosey, I sure can't argue with any of that. There's lot of corruption and agenda. I'm to the point I believe around 60% of the federal revenue(taxes paid) is stolen, laundered, wasted, but mostly stolen.
