Wednesday, September 14, 2011

al gore's 24 Hours Of Global Warming


Let's see now.  "Scientists" are backing the idea that the Earth's climate 20, 30, 50 years from now will be such that oceans will rise 20 feet, and the planet will be unbearable - or something like that right?

Are these the kind of "Scientists" who have been predicting MAJOR HURRICANES for the last 10 freakin years(or more beyond how long I've been paying attention to them?), and haven't even scored Once yet?  Do I mean that they've scored ZERO for TEN so far ?  (yes) And this is in relation to Climate that is only 6 Freakin Months Away from when they predict it?

Oh yeah, let me put some big money that their 20, 30 and 50 year out predictions will come true....

Jumpin Catfish people...

Best Cartoon I've seen lately: Picture of two astronauts standing on the moon over a woman in a dress, and one of them says "Yep, it's Alice Kramden all right"..



  1. That mental al bore just won't give up on his global warming crap....he has too much money invested in it.

  2. I for one will be glad to see AlGore deposited in the trash bin of history as a complete and total moonbat.

  3. Bunni, I've heard he's making 100's of millions off of it.. Pure evil.

  4. Admiral, It won't happen for a while. The scam is well constructed as the shit isn't supposed to hit the fan for a couple decades.

    By then the idiots will claim they 'stopped it' by burying CO2 or some such bullshit. [but really by charging everyone 5 times as much for food and energy]
