There doesn't seem to be much really special about this photo. It is the cocoon nebula. But I find it refreshing and intriguing. Usually you see these nebula's in close-up. In this context the nebula seems to take on more meaning through distinguishing itself as a totally alien entity to the stars around it. I think it's a great picture. The nebula looks alive.
Click on it to go to the source site, APOD of course, then click a couple more times to get the large version.
Anyone else play ? I've been playing it a long time. The other day I beat my 32 million high score by quite a bit. 59 million and change. You gotta be in the groove to score well.
I will tell you my secret strategy is to pay no attention to anything else but put the ball up the right hand side ramp until I've got the Extra Ball lights lit, then plop that sucker into the black hole, and score an extra ball in the right hand save slot. That is all I pay any attention to doing, outside of keeping the ball in play.
I can tell you this game took a lot of extra balls. I went out as an Admiral of course.
FWIW, you can move WinXP pinball to Win7 by just copying the entire Pinball directory from WinXP to the Windows 7 directory C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games, resulting in having a C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Pinball directory with the contents from the WinXP machine.
Then navigate to that directory and right click on the silver ball, and select pin to taskbar.
The only other thing to do is ignore 'the election' for another 12 months at least.
Why won't anyone in politics explain that the problem with health care costs is the totally unregulated and no holds barred environment for lawyers who feed off of the health care system like vampires ?
Texas passed a law prohibiting frivolous health care related lawsuits within the last few years.
The effect was that a single hospital in Texas before the law was paying out 100 million a year just to defend themselves - not in paying claims, but simply defending themselves against the onslaught. After the law, their legal costs deflated to 2 million a year. A 98% reduction in the legal costs category.
Extrapolate that across the country and Problem Solved.
Anytime I hear politicians talking about the problem it's always a bunch of freakin nonsense. This is not complicated.
Furthermore, balance the idea that if your loved one dies in an aircraft crash, you are only going to be eligible for a certain amount of money from the airline. You don't go to court. You don't petition a jury. You don't have some jury award you 8 billion dollars. Yet, when a single individual, among millions of people benefiting from a drug, taking that drug for depression, committed suicide, Pfizer was sued and the jury awarded the plaintiff multi-billions of dollars in award. And the drug was taken off the market which adversely affected the millions of people who were benefiting. If someone dies in a Chevy Impala, do we remove Chevy Impalas from the road?
Who paid that? Pfizer? Nope, we did. Not only that but now Every drug company self-determined that to be responsible to their shareholders, that they must create an escrow account and fund it with multi-billions in case They get sued. Guess who pays for that.
Is there a website you can go to that tells you how much extra we are all paying because of this nonsense? No.
My gut tells me it's at least 50% of all of our health care costs and/or insurance payments.
And why can't all health insurance companies sell in any state they want? Why does the government restrict them and not allow them to sell in any given state. There is something evil going on here and we haven't even touched on oblabbercare yet.
If you hadn't seen it yet, Here Is a Site you can go to to find out where the 6.5 ton UARS satellite is Right Now and whether several of its 300 pound surviving parts will smash into your house as our atmosphere (consisting of 98%+ Nitrogen and Oxygen with the remaining 2 % shared by exotic gases such as Argon and a Whopping 4 Tenths of 1 % of that freaky nasty CO2) drags this weary traveler back to its birthplace.
"The United Auto Workers union won $5000 signing bonuses for its workers and a promise to re-open an assembly plant in Tennessee as part of its tentative new contract with General Motors, according to people ..."
Like any of them would leave? Oh, Please Please Stay, Here's 5 grand of taxpayer money.
To add insult oblabber will no doubt call these "saved jobs".
If GM was a private/public company I wouldn't care. If it can sell it's product to people making a free choice they can do whatever they want.
Seems like it's gonna be the unions against the rest of us.
The unions invested a billion to get him into office and are now being paid back in spades. That describes 99% of his presidency. A union paid for bad actor and the rest of us raped with telephone poles. A trillion and a half already for union people and now he wants another 450 bln. Disgusting.
I will never buy a GM or Chrysler product again.
Update: I May have mis-read this a little. Apparently, the signing bonus may be for new employees. Yet, pay people for taking a union job with all the bennies in This environment? The story isn't cyrstal clear, but doesn't lose it's stench either.
. . Nothing is ever That Good or That Bad for That Long... The democrat media has spoken. They’ll be happy with either romney or perry. Are you really going to let them decide your candidate? Like they decided john mclame? Who told you oblabber was ‘a fine senator and a fine man’ ? You cannot separate reward from risk. The greater the reward the greater the risk. Don’t you agree the universe is expanding because more stuff is blowing in through black holes from other universes than is being sucked out? Is perfection possible? (No) The Right thing to do in any difficult situation is Always the hardest thing to do. The more difficult the situation, the harder the right thing. But the more satisfaction you will get from taking the right road. Between TV and Radio, I may go Jeremiah Johnson one of these days. I Thank all of you for being who you are. I appreciate you. Animals feel Sad, Glad, Mad, Hungry, Thirsty, Lonesome, and Mournful. They each have their own personalities, eccentricities, and dreams. They are not ‘just animals’. Plants even have feelings based on tests on philodendrons in the early 1970’s. I miss John Wayne, Steve Irwin, Flip Wilson, Garret Morris, Rosanne Rosanna Danna, Gene Wilder, Leslie Neilson, my entire immediate family, Richard Pyror, the Barney Miller TV show, the Boy Scouts, Monique, the young Clint Eastwood, people who could drive a car without rear ending someone else, and many other fantastic people I don’t even know but wish I did. Is the universe a Firework going off in incredibly impossible slow slow motion? Do I have a universe inside my fingernail ? (yes) Ok, Guess What I am Now ! Who will win the struggle between good and evil ? I predict no one. It is a constant. If you go to Vegas to play blackjack, sit down at a table where everyone is laughing and smiling. Consider moving when they change the dealer to some dude who doesn’t have a genuine smile. . .
Let's see now. "Scientists" are backing the idea that the Earth's climate 20, 30, 50 years from now will be such that oceans will rise 20 feet, and the planet will be unbearable - or something like that right?
Are these the kind of "Scientists" who have been predicting MAJOR HURRICANES for the last 10 freakin years(or more beyond how long I've been paying attention to them?), and haven't even scored Once yet? Do I mean that they've scored ZERO for TEN so far ? (yes) And this is in relation to Climate that is only 6 Freakin Months Away from when they predict it?
Oh yeah, let me put some big money that their 20, 30 and 50 year out predictions will come true....
Jumpin Catfish people...
Best Cartoon I've seen lately: Picture of two astronauts standing on the moon over a woman in a dress, and one of them says "Yep, it's Alice Kramden all right"..
I thought I'd offer up Some Nice.. Slow Blues... For All You Slow Blues Fans... A song called So Many Roads.. From the LP "Climax Blues Band - FM Live", which was a live performance simulcast on NYC Radio.
It really should be played at higher decibel levels.
This is my third post today, so please see the prior two, I think you will appreciate the links to their sites.
So, here is an interesting comparison chart, courtesy of the fine folks at Click on the chart to go to the article if you're the type of person that likes information..
This chart shows the Gold bull market from roughly the 60's to the 1980 period (where Jackie Onassis sold hers and made a killing).
The interesting part is that the parabolic rise into 1975 wasn't the end of the bull run. It sold off for a year and a quarter or so, then resumed its parabolic run into 1980. The other interesting thing is that the 2nd worst president ever, jimmy carter, was in the White House during this period. History Rhymes eh?
Anyway, adjusted for all that mathematical stuff, inflation, dollar value, etc, gold today is no where near the level it got to in 1980, though if the pattern holds it will go into a downtrend and sell off for a year or so before picking back up.
Without further ado.
I think gold has some life in it but watch that first step.
Four obese children are on the brink of being permanently removed from their family by social workers after their parents failed to bring their weight under control.
In the first case of its kind, their mother and father now face what they call the ‘unbearable’ likelihood of never seeing them again.
Their three daughters, aged 11, seven and one, and five-year-old son, will either be ‘fostered without contact’ or adopted.
Ah, Beautiful England, Land of "The Best Health System In the World" according to mindless liberals, is so strapped for money that they are going Stalinist to try to keep their NHS dream afloat.
So, let's assume the social workers take the children. What are they going to do with them? Starve them so they lose weight? Force them to exercise? Sounds a HELL of a lot like Winston Smith's life in the novel 1984 in which the government control all aspects of your life right down to your fucking food intake and exercise program and put you in a concentration camp if you don't comply.
No? They won't do that? Then WHY MOVE THE KIDS! They'll stay fat and nothing is accomplished outside of the English government being guilty of kidnapping and possibly child trafficking.
Unreal. What is it going to take for people to get a clue?
Oh, and coming to a neighborhood near you in the USA if the imbeciles are allowed to remain in power and obamacare doesn't get repealed. Bank on it.
So, Rand Paul is on the 10 minutes of Hannity I listen to on the way home.
They're talking about Jobs.
So, Senator Paul huffs and puffs and says he's heading down to the Senate floor after talking on the radio and he and the republicans are going to vote on a no confidence measure for Timmy Giether, the Treasury Secretary. And he says it in the context of how this administration has not done anything positive for jobs growth.
Someone tell me how any Treasury Secretary is somehow associated with job growth. They aren't, let alone this buffoon.
Timmy wanted out recently, or how the story goes. If true, then old Rand might actually be doing Timmy a favor intentionally, by helping him get thrown under the bus, and in such a way as to further obscure and misdirect away obama's singular responsibility for no job growth. Well, negative job growth actually. So, he might be doing oblabber a favor too.
Rand could easily be seen as working for the democrats and obama here.
The lack of job growth, as expressed continually by business leaders, and again in a couple different ways today in the news, is the result of obama and the democrats passing oblabbercare and bulldozing the business world in America with job stifling regulations.
Timmy had zero association with either of these two items.
Rand Paul is a pathetic RINO and so are most of the Repubblekins.
As a final note, there is some small value in having one of oblabbers cabinet forced out. I'd rather it was the assclown head of DHS or the assclown attorney general but who cares. It's pretty much meaningless all around. I'd like to see eric holder up on charges actually for lying to Congress about 'fast and furious'.
Here's a neat bumper sticker image I stole from Western Hero's site. Check him out, he's a poet.
. . Click to go to the APOD site and read the description. Click again to get a high resolution image and click again to get a large high resolution image.
It's hard to imagine all that is going on - on that tiny speck of light near the top left of the rings of Saturn taken from a distince well within our own solar system. What is going on elsewhere on the infinite number of planets not just in our own galaxy but in the entire universe?
And the Original, which I think is better sometimes. 1967 Check out the thumbpick on the Bass - if you're into that kind of thing. Steve Winwood on vocals.