Friday, June 17, 2011

So, Social Securty Must Change!

But Not Welfare.  Or Food Stamps.. Or Wick, Or...



  1. We were 'sold' a bill of goods- that it was rather a annuity...
    ponce scheme more like!
    We payed into it -the powers have been stealing from it for years--
    I encourage the young to start paying into private annuity programs...

    and- we also pay for welfare -food stamps et al-

  2. Just the gaul they have to suggest that the productive people / tax payers are the problem - in so many words, should get more notice than it does.

  3. we need to subsidize the lowlives ! .and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!:)

  4. Woman, Yes, God Forbid they ever grow up. :)

    And Thanks.

  5. Obama has made sure that many Americans need the government to survive. It used to be embarrassing to be on food they run commercials advertising it.
    Hope you had a Happy Father's Day.

  6. I would love to see it go or at the least undergo drastic reform. But yes, other programs need to go with it.

  7. TCL, Exactly. and the fraud associated with the program. But that's all part of the plan.

    I did. Thank you.

  8. Trestin, I'm accepting of common sense changes. Similar to abortion or drugs or any of then other things we'd like to see go away, some section of society will always need mommy and daddy forcing them to save for their later years, else we will have deluges of old people with bad teeth begging alms in the rain by the side of the road or on the sidewalk everywhere we go.

    I don't want that.
