Monday, November 9, 2009

Everything We Needed to Know we Learned in Kindergarten

When some of those, who are entrusted to your command and who pledge their lives to your command, die at the hands of a monster, and many others lie in pain from injury, and their loved ones are hurting, do you go to them and do whatever you can to provide comfort and leadership or do you go on vacation at Camp David.


  1. Obama is truly an empty suit. Devoid of human compassion.

  2. He'd rather be golfing, but probably decided that that would look bad.

  3. he's pathetic. just plain pathetic.

  4. Yes, BUT, frankly, we do NOT want him in TX for another photo-op. BO, stay out of TX!!

  5. The guy is an America-hating Muslim.

  6. All. Can you believe the state run media even turned on him for a second on this one? Before they came to their lack of sense and started billing the terrorist attack as anything but.

    Opus, I think he has too much racially motivated hate to care for anyone who has pledged their lives, and their families by extension, to Honor, Courage, Commitment. As foreign a concept to this piece of bad sushi as we would have making love to a raccoon. Cute as they are....

    Arby, it could well be the state run media decided his fate and strategy on this one.

    Labcat. Until we can think of a better word, pathetic will have to do !

    Linda, I don't want him in Texas either. Tejas is a future new country I intend to move to someday !

    Nickie, Right on baby,

    Thank you all for visiting. I'm going to get serious about this blogging thing some day.
