Thursday, August 20, 2009

I'm a Liberal

I'm a liberal.

I'm for world peace, no one ever being mad, no one ever being discriminated against, no violence, no hurting animals, no harming the environment and no icky oily stuff we have to use and No NUKES ! Everything is free and everyone will play the game by the rules so no one takes advantage.

Everyone else will work really really hard making cool things like iphones and stocking their stores with the very best food and products just for me while they give all their profit to the government in taxes.

Our president won't be a meanie. He'll make friends with all the poor people in the middle east and everywhere, because they are nice people who just deserve a chance at a good life. And they would like us if we didn't invade their countries all the time.

Life should be fair and equal for everyone. Complete morons should be able to be whatever they want to be, like a CEO and everyone should make enough money to have a really good life regardless what their job is.

I'm a liberal.

I'm a 4 year old !


  1. Even 4 year olds don't want to share their stuff.

  2. Neither do liberals, but in their world of no laws of physics, anything goes and they are somehow exempt.

  3. When my kids were 4 they were savvier than that!

  4. My best advice to a liberal is to tell them to lay down their arms. If they are so right about the world, that should not be a problem for them. If they are wrong, and somebody tries to hurt them or steal from them, they might want to rethink their rosy outlook on the world and take steps to set up a strong defense.

  5. Pasadena. I believe you. I think I was too, but I barely remember 4.

    Opus. Absolutely. Experience is the only thing that will teach them anything, but I fear the country will be well into hellhole status before they wise up and it will be too late.

    Thinking Health Care mainly, but cap and trade, and the overall stifling of private enterprise will do it just as much harm.
