Driving and Staring Stupidly at your smartphone instead of the road while driving northwest on I-275 on the East Side of Cincinnati between 7:30 and 8:00 AM ? If you happen to suddenly experience two rear flat tires, veer off to the shoulder and be passed by a Toyota Sienna van with a man inside smiling at you and laughing maniacally - you may have had citizen judgement passed upon you to the effect that you simply cannot drive well enough to be on the freeway at that time of day. Consider taking a driving course. Again. And possibly again and again.
We all get trucks like this and take them to Washington DC. We drive them around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, the Capitol Building, and other favorite haunts of worthless politicians and blow the horns until they all relent and leave, vowing to never come back.
Waiting for Susie B. Which means waiting for Susie Bogguss, who has some tunes out on Youtube like This and That. She made some of those tunes with Chet and Chet said she was always late to the recording sessions which were sometimes made in his studio in his basement, hence the tune and title. Anyway, today's tune.
That bass note comes from a bass guitar string strung in the low E position.
Monique was something else. Watch as she takes on all comers and shows her natural talent to work anything to her advantage - the baby gate in this case that used to keep them confined to an area.
Why yes, I did make that magazine rack out of walnut, hickory, ash and shedua.
If you're like me, you're fed up to here with public unions demanding to be excluded from any economic hardship the rest of the country is forced to endure, and to boot, they want to take even more of your money that you don't have to maintain their lifestyle, benefits, and pensions.
I have solutions. Let's start with "The Firefighters".
Fire them all, close down the firehouses, and sell the properties and assets.
The money that is generated just from eliminating their compensation and benefits, and to say nothing of eliminating the money it costs to create and maintain their infrastructure, such as buildings, trucks, equipment, training, etc, would Easily pay to rebuild Any and All structures damaged or destroyed by fire.
The firefighters never save a building anyway. If it looks like the building might survive, they take their axes to it to be sure it doesn't. They destroy virtually everything within with water and chop the suckers to the ground to be sure there are no remaining 'smoldering embers' when they leave to go back to the firehouse to cook up some firehouse chili.
Seriously, Maybe once a year they post a picture of a firefighter carrying a traumatized cat from a building. I think they recycle these pictures.
So, there ya go. Boom. One problem solved, one major taxpayer funded expense Eliminated.
a man of no practical experience, an imbecile at life, who reads speeches written by punks who do little more than cram words into a word processor, most of them stolen from speeches given by notable figures in history, and otherwise what some 27 year old punk thinks sounds patriotic and 'presidential' yet leans too far towards [unearned] hubris and is actually meaningless drivel.
On occasion, his true imbecilicness leaks out like the poorly chosen battery coolant for the Chevy Volt, (his perfect equal from the 2 dimensional mechanical world btw) and he says things that reveal just how over-priced, racist, ignorant, arrogant and uneducated he is.
The democrat media loves him as much as rommmmney.
Did anyone else notice that the negative story on Newt coming from his lesbian sister today lasted all of 5 minutes in the democrat media "news" ? You KNOW if it concerned Sarah Palin, or Michele Bachmann, it would have been 'Top Story' for days if not weeks. You know that right?
Unless your brain is only 1/1000th the size of Opus# 6's New Hamster's then it is plain that the democrat media intends to fully support this career liberal flip flop politician that will AT Best waste another 4 years of our lives.
All ya gotta know right? Well, it's all I gotta know.
Come On Folks ! You're going to let these tingly legged evil democrat media pick YOUR candidate for you? Again ?!?!?
Vote for anyone beside these two libtard favorites. I still like Michele Bachmann because that's who the liberal media hate the most, and she says things, like "I Will Repeal obamacare". Newt and the other clowns say things like "obamacare is bad for America." Yea, Newt. No Shit, so what are You going to do about it beside claim 30 seconds isn't enough time to talk about doing something about it. Hit the road ya Bum ! ;-)
After the primaries, I will not post anything about elections until maybe a week prior to Nov 2, 2012. Or at least try damn hard.
Election campaigns are simply the 'seduction of the idiots'. Pure demographic marketing aimed at getting the terminally indecisive and confused to vote for 'someone'. The vast majority of the country are lined up solid blue or solid red or solid conservative, currently called Tea party candidates running as republicans and the election rides on the perception of morons who haven't the faintest idea that the democrat party are the racist slave owner communists committed to removing every vestige of Life Liberty and Happiness from America or that the republican party are about as useful as a busload of giggling school girls.
After letting the media pick their candidate last time, and after letting the media guide their decision last time using 100% hype and propaganda and 0% investigative vetting, 'republicans" and many calling themselves "conservatives" are letting the media tell them "who can win" and "who can't win". Translated now as we either end up with Mitt Rommmmmmmney (as Ann Coulter pronounces it) or Newt – Because Gosh Darnit, we CAN’T let obama have another 4 years at ALL COSTS !!!! So they give us the old white cracker ass version of obama that doesn’t need a teleprompter or the slick talking presidential looking guy with the presidential hair that Surely Independents Can Get Behind So Let’s Vote FOR Rommmmmmmmmmmney!
Both worthless professional politicians who will do nothing to derail the communist agenda, and will slow it down at best, speed it up in disguise at worst.
So the media poll people who are home to answer the phone, If they poll anyone at all, because they are your fill in the blank version of non-productive citizens on the IV drip that have no intention of making their lives One Iota More Difficult by voting for people who will curtail spending most particularly in their general direction. That being student loan repayment, welfare, WIC, food stamps (47 million dependents there), union wages, benefits and pensions. Never mind the money will be gone by the time they aim to collect it due to it being stolen by union bosses, or lost trying to keep a top heavy company afloat in a globalized world market, or that there simply isn’t that much money in existence and they get the rude awakening Ala Greece and Italy style Austerity Measures.
Guess how many of Those people will vote democrat again.
But the pain will come long after the 2012, 2016, and maybe the 2020 elections. They will be creating an ass kicking telephone pole raping life for their descendants but forgive them because they neither have the slightest clue or could probably afford to care if they did.
But seriously, Ann Coulter – who puts out some seriously intelligent stuff revealing Liberals in all their ignorance, arrogance, sociopath and evil ways somehow decides that her Numba One pick is Chris Christie. Because he tells teachers in NJ the money is gone? But backs oblabbercare and global climate thingamabob? And her 2nd pick is Mitt Rommmmmmmmmmmmmney? the sock puppet who will say virtually anything to get his ass in the White House, taking 180 degree opposing positions on the most serious subject in the same sentences? Huh? Coulter? Oh well.
Oh Gee, Newt says he is gonna fire all the White House Czars the first day! And cancel a bunch of evil imbecilic Executive Orders of oblabbers the First Day ! Yippeeeeee!. I mean .. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. Is he going to repeal oblabbercare? Probably Not. Is he on board with the global climate thingamabob? Probably. Is he interested in rolling back ANY of the cancerous life sucking abject failure liberal communist departments and programs that have been destroying this country since the jimmy carter days?. I haven’t heard him say so or even hint at it, so gag me already with a Newt.
I hope I didn’t depress anyone. Just having a little verbal fun. Though honest. I’m with Trestin here.
Forget the Federal Government. It is diseased beyond repair.
And for my sake anyway, I am aware that people who were in much more seriously bad situations than this found a way to make a good and happy rewarding life for themselves and families. Find a way to profit from it and help those who deserve it. That's my plan anyway.
As always, click the picture to go to the APOD site, get a description from a professional astronomer and then click twice again to get a large version to stare at in Wide Wonder.